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Green light of the CDM to Recovery, but Iv abstains. It is a clash on the Mes

AGI – Green light from the Council of Ministers to the Recovery plan, but the two ministers of Italia Viva Teresa Bellanova ed Elena Bonetti they abstain.

Sources of IV acknowledge the steps forward made with the reformulation of the PNRR, with changes which, the Renzians point out, are the result of the persistence of Matteo Renzi’s party which remained almost isolated for a long time. And yet for Iv there are too many critical issues in a text judged to be in dramatic delay. There surrender to the month, it is explained in the Renzian front, it is completely incomprehensible, both because its use would free up additional resources in the Recovery area, and because the government’s pandemic plan assumes insufficient resources for health and, in that case, provides that you will have to choose which citizens to treat.

Pd and M5s under track are still working on one piloted crisis, a Count who can break the deadlock. At the moment from the Renzian front they explain, however, that there are no signs of a real opening on the part of the Prime Minister. The belief is that the premier insists on the level of those responsible.

“Maybe he will understand that there are no numbers but for now he goes on on the Travaglio line”, explains a ‘big’ of Iv. The leader of Italia viva has raised on the Mes, has asked that the executive take at least a part of those funds. Faced with Prime Minister Conte’s no, the ministers Bellanova and Bonetti abstained. Renzi he then made it known: “I think that on Wednesday Conte will announce that he has other parliamentarians to support him”. The resignation of the ministers of Italy alive? “After today’s CDM, we will decide tomorrow morning and communicate it to the press tomorrow afternoon”.

The Minister of Economy Gualtieri – according to what has been learned – intervened explaining that the ESM tool has nothing to do with the Next Generation EU program and that in any case, even if it were decided to activate the ESM, not in the Recovery area of ​​course, we would have resources available for investments in addition to those already planned.

There would be a deficit that would correspondingly increase, the thesis. During the CDM, according to what is learned, ministers Boccia and Amendola also intervened to clarify that the MES does not come into play and therefore the reason for abstention is no longer valid. Even Minister Speranza would have explained that the investments made for the pandemic are not enough.

Lastly, the Prime Minister Conte who invited us to consider that it is confirmed that the ESM is not included in the Next Generation and therefore – he argued – this is not the place to face a discussion on this issue. Finally he invited – explain the same sources – a do not speculate on the number of deaths in Italy to invoke the activation of the Mes. It is an approach that offends reason and also ethics, reasoning.

The Council of Ministers on the new decree for anti-Covid measures and the hypothesis of extending the state of emergency until April 30 will be held on Wednesday evening. The next day, however, on the table of Palazzo Chigi there will be the dossier on the budget variance.

How much is the Recovery Plan worth

The Pnrr is worth 222.9 billion. For digitization and culture are allocated 46.18 billion. For the green revolution 68.9 billion. For infrastructure 31.98 billion. For education 28.49 billion. For inclusion and cohesion (work, family, social policies) 27.62 billion. For the healthcare 19.72 billion.

Considering the other EU funds, including the EAFRD and the MFF 2021-26, Italy will be able to manage a total of 310.66 billion, of which 58.95 billion for digitization and culture, 78.79 billion for green, 33.14 billion for infrastructure, 34.04 billion for education and research, 85 billion for inclusion and cohesion, 20.73 billion for health. The plan is a 160 page document.

As part of the resources for infrastructure, 26.7 billion will go to railway works. For high speed, the Naples-Bari, the Brescia-Verona-Vicenza-Padua and the Salerno-Reggio Calabria will be built. Rome-Pescara, Orte-Falconara, Palermo-Catania-Messina, Liguria-Alps, Taranto-Metaponto-Potenza-Battipaglia, Verona-Brennero will be speeded up.

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