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Green is still reeling .. Know the exchange rate of the dollar during today’s trading

Dollar exchange rates settled in end trading
Today, Saturday, its average price announced by the Central Bank of Egypt is around 15.74 pounds
For purchase and 15.85 pounds for sale.

The lowest exchange rate for the dollar was recorded at the Commercial Bank
International is about 15.73 pounds for purchase and 15.83 pounds for sale.

The dollar exchange rate reached the banks of “Bloom”,
Alexandria, Arab African International “about 15.74 pounds for purchase and 15.84 pounds for sale.

The average dollar price reached Al-Ahly banks,
Egypt, Al Ahly Kuwaiti, United Bank, Egypt Iran for Development, National Kuwait, Development
Housing, Egyptian Gulf, Egyptian Export Development, HSBC, Skype, Odeh
Arab International Bank, Arab Investment, Suez Canal, Credit Agricole, Development
Industrial “The dollar reached 15.75 pounds for purchase and 15.85 pounds for sale.

The dollar exchange rate at Al Baraka Bank was recorded at 15.76
EGP for purchase, 15.86 pounds for sale, and Mashreq Bank about 15.78 pounds for purchase and 15.88 pounds
For sale.






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