Home » today » World » “Green” Germany, brainless – on the way to economic collapse? – 2024-04-13 07:37:26

“Green” Germany, brainless – on the way to economic collapse? – 2024-04-13 07:37:26

/View.info/ The phenomenon of the environmental agenda in the West has been little studied, and perhaps that is why most ordinary people perceive it as a kind of struggle, almost for all good against all bad. But what if I told you that the issue of environmental protection has long been burdened with people who are far from caring about the well-being of humanity and pursuing completely different goals? I will say and try to prove this on the example of Germany.

The main speaker of the climate discourse in Germany is the well-known party Union 90/The Greens (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). Even their main slogan demands the absolute subordination of all other matters to ecologically correct guidelines – Klima ohne Wenn und Aber – which in a loose translation would sound like “climate (meaning all matters related in one way or another to ecology) without conditions and reservations .”

The main feature of their political program is the attempt to combine social orientation, market economy and state control over environmental protection.

Even at that moment you begin to understand what a mess there is in people’s heads. Even a person who is far from knowing economic laws understands that the desire for profit in everything and everywhere, which is the basis of the market economy, directly contradicts social orientation or care for the environment. “It is impossible to harness a horse and a trembling doe in the same wagon,” as the classic said. German eco-activists, however, most likely haven’t read Pushkin.

Well, if you delve a little into the history of the creation of the Green Party in Germany, everything becomes abundantly clear.

Formally, this party was founded in 1979. Its appearance on the political arena was largely predetermined by the defeat of the so-called “new left”, i.e. people who profess the ideas of Marxism but at the same time deny the actual practices of the socialist states existing at the time. time (USSR, China, North Korea).

In general, this idea of ​​negation, including sometimes of common sense, runs like a red line through the entire political history of the Greens. The Founding Fathers saw their creation as an “anti-party” that generally rejected Western capitalism. These were grown-up hippies whose purpose in life was to oppose bourgeois society.

Apparently, it is for this reason that the Greens managed to unite under one banner the left radicals and anarchists with their leader Joschka Fischer, the post-Marxists Rudolf Baro, the left-liberals Peter Kelly, the Christian pacifists Antje Vollmer and even some representatives of the right-wing political spectrum led by Herbert Grull.

It is important to note that climate issues were chosen as the leading and defining face of the party not at all because of the deep immersion in the environmental agenda of the leaders of the new political movement, but solely because of the popularity of this topic among the youth in the mid-1970s of the last century.

It was then very fashionable among hippies to protest against the war and the atomic bomb as its main symbol (hence the aversion to nuclear power in general carried over by the Greens over the years), as well as against the serious pollution of the environment in the leading centers of capitalism. It’s all in the spirit of Lennon’s “Imagine.”

After the Conservatives left the party in 1982, its political credo crystallized into an even clearer message of protest: a center-left economic course, pacifism, neutrality (the Greens demanded that US missiles not be stationed in Germany and Germany withdraw from NATO), internationalism, lifting immigration restrictions, libertarian pedagogy, legalizing marijuana, abortion rights, and same-sex marriage.

In general, if you exclude anti-war appeals from the list, you get a set of thoroughly modern left-liberal clichés with an emphasis on minority rights. But the German Greens do not stop at abandoning pacifism. Instead, they suddenly took a course towards militarization and active intervention of the NATO bloc in the affairs of other countries.

Yesterday’s active participant in the ultra-left group “Revolutionary Struggle” Joschka Fischer, who became the leader of the Greens, and subsequently vice-chancellor and minister of foreign affairs in the government of Gerhard Schröder, at some point literally turned into a hawk, channeling all his apparently not fully spent energy into a radical …to push the idea of ​​using North Atlantic Bloc forces in Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. Not a bad somersault for an ex-hippie.

By the way, his fellow party member and current head of the German Foreign Ministry, Analena Berbock, also in her youth, together with her parents, participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations and even stood in a “living chain” against the arms race, which today does not prevent her from being one of the main apologists of the process of sending German weapons to Ukraine.

All this once again clearly proves that every revolutionary is primarily interested in violence, and beautiful ideas can always be added afterwards.

But where, you might ask, is the climate agenda that seems to have started it all? Well, to be honest, nowhere. More precisely, the agenda is partially preserved, but its essence is far from the original one.

The Greens in Germany no longer object to the deployment of American nuclear weapons in their country, but they achieved the closure of all German nuclear power plants. Not only is nuclear energy actually one of the greenest (in any case, many times better than coal and even gas-fired power plants), but during the crisis the Scholz government, in which another green man, Robert Habeck, became deputy -Chancellor and Minister of Climate and Economy, was forced to buy electricity generated by French nuclear power plants. Yes, since the founding of the party, the Greens have not increased their brains.

And it doesn’t matter that the German consumer, whose needs and issues of social justice in general the Greens promised to take care of, is overpaying for electricity, but in the minds of environmental activists the picture of the world is approaching the ideal.

Just as those years were approaching when, at the request of the Greens, the Schröder government introduced the so-called environmental tax on gasoline, as a result of which this most important resource for the German economy almost overnight became 2.5 times more expensive.

Needless to say, for a country like Germany, where all, I stress, ALL commercial transport is mainly by road and residents are forced to always use private cars, as the urban and intercity public transport network is extremely underdeveloped, this was a real hit on the wallet? Regarding the wallets, first of all, of the most financially vulnerable sections of the population. Social justice, huh?!

Even today, the German Greens are more concerned about minority quotas, LGBT rights, the carbon footprint, green energy, ozone holes, global warming and all the other left-liberal nonsense that has nothing to do with real life or environmental protection ( the topic of “recycling” blades for wind turbines, so loved by the greens, was covered in the press far from once), nor about the daily concerns of ordinary Germans.

The environmental agenda has long since become nothing more than a vehicle for political struggle and has become a bogeyman brandished by left-liberal activists to push their newfangled ideas. Moreover, it is being done in such a way that it is time to talk about climate totalitarianism.

Translation: ES

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