Home » today » World » Green genders of “Dondukov” 1 – 2024-08-06 06:01:59

Green genders of “Dondukov” 1 – 2024-08-06 06:01:59

/ world today news/ Borisov and the ministers are going through an identity crisis, changing their social role

“Are you a man, a woman or a hermaphrodite – a beast or a fish?” Hristo Botev asks the former European greats in the pamphlet “Funny Cry” (issue 2 of the newspaper “The Word of the Bulgarian Emigrants” dated June 25, 1871). If only he were alive to ask the same thing to the Bulgarian Prime Minister and his ministers, gathering at “Dondukov” No. 1, because it is no longer clear what kind of people govern us. The government has fallen into an identity crisis and is looking for social roles (genders) with which to please both its people and the European institutions, but without breaking the strings pulled by its hidden mandate holders.

The situation of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov is the most complicated. For example, he passionately defends the interests of some Cypriot offshore company with investment intentions in Pirin, but he does not know who its owner is. The media mentions a local poor person, but he does not come to Bulgaria to explain why he wants to cut down trees in Pirin instead of Cyprus. However, it is so popular with the prime minister that he pushed through the plans on his last working day before the New Year holidays, defying mass protests and even defending it before the European Parliament in Strasbourg on January 17.

What an absurdity – what is this prime minister? It’s green.

This is how he himself explained in the hall, answering the co-chair of the group of the Greens in the EP Ska Keller (Germany):

“I especially want to answer the ‘greens’ because I’m a green person myself,” he said. so that not a single stalk is crushed. Crushed by a roller. All our European infrastructure projects are for bears, for wolves, for turtles. We have changed the routes.” And at a press conference shortly after, he added that he was also taking special care of the “water bug”. As soon as he returned to Sofia, he declared to his ministers: “There is no greener government than ours”, which meant “Be like me!”.

There is no end to his caring – first he takes care of someone’s company interests, not caring whose they are, and then sleep does not catch him until he protects every living thing in nature. This righteousness can only be explained by his

rebirth to atone for old sins.

“Sega” newspaper reminded him of them without pretense of exhaustiveness:

– In the field of the environment, there are eight criminal proceedings against Bulgaria. Three of them are in the area of ​​biodiversity, three are in the area of ​​air quality, one is related to waste and one – to wastewater;

– Borissov’s government, together with Poland, is attacking the EU regulation on the limit levels of harmful emissions in order to extend the life of coal-fired boilers, even though the air in Bulgaria is among the most polluted in Europe;

– Neno Dimov almost became the first Minister of the Environment to exclude territory from the Vitosha Natural Park since its creation in 1934. The Minister remembered the public interest and canceled his order after it circulated on social networks. The territory may still be excluded after a new inspection;

– The same minister from the government of Boyko Borisov defended in the EC the illegally built golf courses, wind generators, houses and hotels in the Kaliakra protected area, which were built in violation of the directives on habitats and on birds;

– Borisov’s coalition partner “United Patriots” is trying, through the law on planting material, to make the permits for constructions on agricultural lands with a changed purpose practically indefinite, which means a lot more concrete by the sea;

– The third cabinet “Borisov” tried again to vote on the changes that were abandoned under the pressure of the protests in 2012. Changes were prepared through the law on tourism, which would give indefinite right of use for the welded ski slopes, amnesty for all skis lifts and lifts built illegally, etc. The changes sank in after they were publicized by environmentalists;

– Almost at the same time as the decision for new constructions in Pirin, the Municipality of Bansko requested permission to build 8 new neighborhoods. Encouraged by the government’s decision, the mayor of Tsarevo also requested a change to the plan for Strandzha – again in order to allow construction in the nature park. Both municipalities are managed by GERB.

Here a question arises about the gender (social role) of Borisov,

because it does one thing and declares itself to be the opposite. When a proven enemy of the environment presents itself as “green”, it cannot be qualified in any other way than as a “green” gender. In this capacity, it is logical to make free interpretations – for example, that Sofia is the cleanest city in the European Union. Here’s a bit more from his famous speech to the European Parliament last week: “Sofia had an unprecedented garbage crisis when I became mayor. There was no plant, no processing, nothing. It was dumped in the gullies in Sukhodol. We got busy. Now Sofia is the best organized , I think after Zurich (a city in Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU) with full composting, processing, with a household waste plant, with landfills – everything, as written in the European Book”. Which book? – not important because he reads a lot.

A similar crisis of identity is observed in Borisov in other aspects. He is responsible for 8 out of 11 years of Bulgaria’s membership in the EU. All the time, the state is under special surveillance in the EU because of high-level corruption – i.e. on the level inhabited by him and his ministers. It is logical to assume that

corruption thrives because it is tolerated and concealed

However, he is felt in another gender – as an enemy of corruption, capable of counting its last days. The quote is again from Strasbourg: “To answer those colleagues who raised the issue of corruption. Corruption is everywhere, we are fighting a huge battle. I have been elected 10 or 11 times together with my party as winners in elections in Bulgaria. And we are from the opposition started, and we started from zero. At the same time, if there is such corruption, there will be such growth of the economy – more investments and this growth? How will people always choose us?… And I guarantee you that as we have done now, (…) in 2-3 years we will deal with it (corruption – ed.). And we will deal with it well.” Zael put up a fight, but last Saturday he asked Chancellor Angela Merkel to send him instructors who are yet to teach him how to fight corruption.

It is true that corruption cannot be measured directly because it is hidden-covered. The organization “Transparency without Borders” registers the citizens’ perception of corruption and thus ranks the countries. In last year’s ranking, Bulgaria fell to 75th place among 176 countries, being the last of the EU countries. Borisov’s question is why, since they have such a strong feeling about corruption, the citizens keep choosing him and his party. There is only one answer – because the previous rulers were the same commodity, and the hope for the emergence of more honest ones has died. The next question – how is it possible with so much corruption to have economic growth? – is answered by a similar question: How is it possible that Bulgaria is still the poorest in the EU with the reported economic growth, unless the labor is systematically robbed by the oligarchic circles connected to the power, who also take care of its regular corruption?

By changing his gender from a screen for corruption to a fighter against it, Borisov does

rotary motion,

which could also present him as a defender of freedom of speech and not as its enemy. Bulgaria is in a state of free fall in the rankings of “Reporters Without Borders” for media independence, but Borisov never noticed the monopolization of the media market and its replacement with hidden nationalization of the press. He is pleased that more than 90% of the media pour pro-government propaganda, such as abounds in similar dimensions, for example in Erdogan’s Turkey. No wonder that an MP from the DPS plays the role of a corpulent media boss. His gender is also a mystery because he should be in opposition like his party, but as a publisher he merges with power. His mysterious existence in the media world is rivaled only by the mystery of the owner of the Yulen company, protected by Borisov. Their common green cause against the defenders of Pirin Park is a sign of the gender proximity of the three. On closer inspection, another can be found.

#Green #genders #Dondukov

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