Attracting investments in the amount of 12 million euros, solar power plants (SES) will start working in Brenguļi Parish of Valmiera County already this year and in Kauguru Parish next year, which will provide green electricity to at least 7,000 households.
On April 4 of this year, the Būvvalde of Valmiera region issued a permit for the creation of the Brenguļi SES on the side of the highway Valmiera–Brenguļi–Biksej, 2 kilometers from Brenguļi and 8 kilometers from the center of Valmiera. In the second half of May, the preparation of the 8.7-hectare area will be started, followed by the construction of power plant structures and cable lines. During the summer, more than 10,700 solar panels will be placed on the SES territory, followed by testing and commissioning of the power plant by the fall of this year.
The Brenguli power plant will produce more than 7,500,000 kWh of electricity per year, which corresponds to the average annual electricity consumption of 3,800 households.
The ambitious green electricity project will continue next year in Kauguru parish of Valmiera county, where the Valmiera SES with approximately 9,000 solar panels will be located on an area of 6.9 hectares. It will be able to provide green energy for the needs of about 3,200 households per year.
We are glad that more and more green energy projects are being implemented in the Valmiera region. Currently, there are already 10 solar power plants in various stages of development in the Valmiera region. Every green investment is a step closer to a greener and more energy independent Latvia.
Jānis Baiks, Chairman of Valmiera County Municipal Council
The owner of Brenguļi and Valmiera SES is the domestic investment company “Merito Partners” (“Merito”), which has attracted experienced experts from the company “Saules Energy” for the implementation of the plan. “Merito” together with “Saules Energy” is implementing the construction of nine power stations in Latvia. Brenglui SES is one of the first to start producing electricity already this year.
The professional work style of the municipality of Valmiera is the basis for the fact that we can start the implementation of the new power plants in such a timely manner. The start of SES construction in Brenguli is an important step on the way to the energy independence of Vidzeme and our country. Since Latvia currently needs tangible progress in increasing the share of renewable energy, we have focused our efforts on projects that will start producing green and cheaper electricity in the near future. SES financed by “Merito” will be developed in Valmiera district and elsewhere with connection to the distribution infrastructure, thus electricity production takes place close to its consumers – residents and companies of regional cities. Such a strategy both ensures stable consumption and strengthens the energy security of Latvia’s regions.
Artūrs Plūme, chairman of the board of “Saules Energy”.
Solar energy is one of the most effective ways to reduce the dependence of Latvia and other European countries on oil and gas products. Latvia is still in last place in the European Union in terms of solar energy. As the experience of countries where similar power plants have been operating for decades shows, solar power plants are not only economically beneficial, but also environmentally and socially friendly – their construction does not require significant changes in the territory, while during operation they are quiet and neutral to living creatures.
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2023-05-30 09:20:36
#Solar #panel #park #million #euros #invested