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Green competition for the greens

When the friends of the Darmstadt Greens, who are politicians in Offenbach, really want to put themselves in high spirits in the current local election campaign, they should take a look at the results of the 2019 European elections. Because in their city they were with 25.8 percent a whopping 9.5 percentage points ahead of the SPD and 5.4 ahead of the CDU. So far, however, the Offenbach Greens have only made it to the strongest political force in their city in the European elections. The self-encouragement for the elections on March 14th works much better with the Darmstadt Greens: Not only that in the same European elections with 33.6 percent they each have more than twice as many votes as the CDU (16.3 percent) and the SPD ( 15.2). The party has also dominated Darmstadt’s local politics since 2011 as the strongest force. Quite apart from the fact that the Green Jochen Partsch replaced Social Democrat Walter Hoffmann ten years ago with a clear result of 69.1 to 30.9 percent in the office of Lord Mayor, thus ending a succession of six Social Democrats in this office. The only green Lord Mayor in Hesse could therefore initially rely on a stable green-black majority.

In the local elections in 2016, however, the Greens in Darmstadt had to accept a minus of 3.2 percentage points. With 29.7 percent, they remained by far the strongest force, the coalition partner CDU lost a lot more with 6.6 points. The Christian Democrats were with 18.2 percent just ahead of the SPD, the second strongest party, but it was not enough for a green-black majority of the seats. The Greens still had 21 instead of 23 of the total of 71 seats in the city council, the CDU still had 13 instead of 18. Initially, cooperation with the city council of the Uffbasse faction helped, until two city councilors switched to the Greens and so 36 of 71 seats in the City council meeting on green-black accounted for.

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