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Green Bird Phenomenon – Depok Broadcast

Siarandepok.com- Green birds live high in the sky. But he looks for a living on the surface of the sea. At least that’s the information obtained from the work of Muhammad bin Abi Bakar entitled Al-Mawaidz Al-Ushfuriyah which literally means the book “Advice of the Birds”.

This bird is quite special. For he has strong bones like short spears, both on his back and under his stomach. The rest he has a strong beak and strong wings so that he can fly suddenly to the surface of the sea to get food.

The food obtained is the rest of the fish meat tucked between the shark’s teeth. As predators, sharks prey on any fish to keep them full and survive. In Arabic the shark is called al-hut, while the small fish that are eaten are called al-samak.

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What is interesting is the pattern of the food chain between al-samak, al-hut, and green birds. After the shark eats the fish, the rest of the flesh is tucked between the shark’s teeth. These conditions make the shark uncomfortable, even painful teeth. This is due to the way sharks eat food with savage and quantity.

To get out of this discomfort, sharks occasionally stick their heads out to sea while opening their mouths. Of course, this shark’s behavior signals to other creatures that there is food between its teeth. It’s just that not all animals can take advantage of this challenging opportunity. Except for the green bird.

In the sky the green bird has been lurking for a long time. A flash of green bird flew low and then entered the shark’s mouth to eat the remaining fish that was tucked between the shark’s teeth. As long as the shark opens its mouth that long, the smart green bird is partying happily.

Green birds are not without reason dare to eat the rest of the fish meat tucked in the teeth of sharks. The reason is, vertically he supports the shark’s mouth with a spear on its back and horizontally with a spear on its chest. Apparently this is the function of the two spears that the green bird has.

The green bird does not eat except when the shark groans in pain. Meanwhile, new sharks feel comfortable when the remaining fish tucked in their teeth are eaten by green birds. Green birds are never afraid of not getting sustenance. Because surely there will come a shark that sticks out its head and opens its mouth.

Of course the green bird is not equipped with reason and knowledge, it only relies on instinct (al-gharizah) to make a living. Meanwhile, humans who are equipped with everything, including technology, often can’t get enough of their food. This is the green bird phenomenon. Hopefully it will be a lesson for us.*

By: KH. Dr. Syamsul Yakin (Carer for Darul Akhyar Parung Confused Islamic Boarding School in Depok City)

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