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Greece rejoices! What Mitsotakis invented

Additional measures for three months in support of households and low incomes against rising energy costs will be unveiled on Thursday, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in a televised address to the nation.

Mitsotakis mentioned low-income workers, families and retirees as the people who need help the most at the moment.

The prime minister also spoke of “a bold state subsidy for electricity bills and the partial assumption of the increase in fuel prices, which covers up to 180 liters of costs.”

The ministers of finance, energy and agricultural development and food will present measures that, in Mitsotakis’ words, affect “the most vulnerable citizens and the middle class”.

The measures, which amount to 1.1 billion euros, will be a relief for 3.2 million vulnerable citizens, but also for households with incomes of up to 30,000 euros a year. “

The new measures are combined with specific incentives for farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises, which are “most affected by high electricity bills”.

Mitsotakis speaks of a reduced property tax, as well as a second increase in the minimum wage for the year.

All this is developing in the context of the government’s initiative to support citizens, which has already allocated 2.6 billion euros in state funds to tackle the energy crisis.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought the war back to Europe,” Mitsotakis said, adding that the war had caused a huge energy crisis, threatening the prosperity of all societies.


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