Home » today » World » Greater than a thousand houses with short-term injury within the area – 2024-06-23 01:50:24

Greater than a thousand houses with short-term injury within the area – 2024-06-23 01:50:24

The newest report from Senapred, issued at round 1 p.m., signifies that within the O’Higgins area there are greater than 1,200 houses affected with minor and main injury because of the extreme rains this Friday and Saturday.
Likewise, 132 sheltered folks and 102 remoted folks have been reported in varied sectors of the Libertador.

The communal element is as follows:

Codegua: 1 residence destroyed, 3 folks affected and three sheltered because of a mass removing within the Quebrada de los Salas sector.

Coinco: 18 houses with minor injury, in varied sectors attributable to overflowing estuaries and canals.

Coltauco: 10 houses with main injury, 140 with minor injury, 40 folks affected, 8 sheltered in varied sectors of the commune.

Doñihue: 2 houses with main injury, 30 with minor injury, 2 folks affected by a landslide.

Barns: 1 home destroyed, 32 with main injury, 64 with minor injury, 96 folks affected by rainwater ingress, along with 8 folks sheltered.

Las Cabras: 24 houses with main injury, 75 with minor injury, 21 folks remoted and 63 affected by accumulation of rainwater in varied sectors of the commune.

Machalí: 1 residence with main injury, 32 with minor injury, 1 particular person affected, 1 sheltered and 11 remoted.

Malloa: 4 folks affected, 4 sheltered and 1 residence with main injury attributable to flooding.

Mostazal: 38 folks affected, 38 folks sheltered because of work within the neighborhood of houses within the El Molino sector and 40 folks remoted within the Reserva San Agustín sector because of the improve within the circulation of the Codegua estuary. As well as, 8 houses with main injury and 20 with minor injury are reported.

Olivar: 1 residence with main injury.

Peumo: 13 folks sheltered, 4 victims, 25 remoted and 35 houses with minor injury and 1 with main injury.

Pichidegua: 10 houses with main injury, 130 with minor injury and 34 affected varied sectors of the commune attributable to flooding.

Quinta de Tilcoco: 2 sheltered, 2 broken, 1 residence with main injury and 20 with minor injury.

Rancagua: 5 houses with minor injury.

San Vicente: 138 folks preventively evacuated from the Millahue sector, of which 44 folks have been housed within the commune. As well as, 9 victims are reported.

Chépica: 3 houses with main injury and 9 folks affected in sectors of the commune.

Chimbarongo: 40 houses with minor injury attributable to flooding.

Lolol: 5 houses are reported with minor injury attributable to water ingress in varied sectors of the commune.

Palmilla: 156 houses with minor injury in varied sectors of the commune.

Placilla: 256 houses with minor injury, 4 with main injury, 12 folks affected and 1 sheltered in varied sectors of the commune attributable to flooding and collapse of septic tanks.

Pumanque: 30 houses with minor injury in varied sectors of the commune.

San Fernando: 3 houses with minor injury and 1 with main injury attributable to flooding. Along with 5 victims.

Santa Cruz: 48 houses with minor injury and 12 with main injury in varied sectors of the commune attributable to flooding, activation of streams and flooding. As well as, 48 victims and 10 sheltered are reported.

Partitions: 5 houses with minor injury attributable to leaks.

Litueche: 20 houses with minor injury, 5 with main injury, 15 folks affected and 5 remoted attributable to flooding in varied sectors.

Connectivity: Alterations in connectivity on varied routes within the communes of Paredones, Chépica, Mostazal, Marchigue, Palmilla, Placilla, Graneros, Chimbarongo, Las Cabras, Litueche, Peumo, Lolol and Coinco attributable to canal overflows, river floods, ruts, sinkholes and tree falls.

Enabled shelters: 32.

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