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Great white shark: basking shark surprises divers off Hawaii – “Terrifyingly wide”

Divers want to watch Hawaiian tiger sharks off the coast – until a giant white shark suddenly appears. Spectacular recordings are made.

Oahu / Hawaii – It is probably the dream of many divers, but at the same time the nightmare of many ordinary people: swimming with a great white shark. Off the coast of the US state of Hawaii, divers have now succeeded in taking spectacular pictures with a huge but peaceful specimen of the dreaded marine animal.

The six-meter-tall shark female suddenly appeared when other sharks off the island of Oahu ate the carcass of a sperm whale, like the diver Ocean Ramsey of the newspaper Honolulu Star Adviser said. The other sharks would have tried to escape. The Great White Shark rubbed on the divers’ boat.

Great white shark off Hawaii “wanted to use our boat as a scratching post”

“She was just a big, beautiful, gentle giant who wanted to use our boat as a scratching post,” said Ramsey. This great white shark is the most peaceful she has ever seen. The divers then swam with the shark throughout the day and took photos of the animal.

The encounter with the gigantic female is said to have happened on January 15th. Marine biologist Ocean Ramsey set out on this day with her team to watch tiger sharks.

Great white shark off Hawaii: 50 years old and weighing two and a half tons

Ramsey, die more pictures and videos on her Instagram page published, estimated the age of the shark at least 50 years and the weight at two and a half tons. The Great White Shark was “terrifyingly wide” and possibly pregnant, she said.

Female had similarities to Great White Shark “Deep Blue”

The female had similarities to “Deep Blue”, which is considered the largest Great White Shark seen so far. It was filmed off the island of Guadalupe on the west coast of Mexico. Great white sharks are rarely sighted in the waters of Hawaii because the water there is too warm.

These pictures with killer whales were just as fascinating recently.

The large shark female may be pregnant.


How dangerous are great white sharks to humans?

Encounters with sharks do not always turn out lightly. We tell you on which beaches the most common shark attacks happen. But is the great white shark a man-eater? Shark expert Jürgen Kriwet once said in an interview with the Munich Mercury: “In the stomach of great white sharks that were caught in the Mediterranean Sea, there were mainly marine mammals, dolphins, whale remains, occasionally seals and fish. But there were also land animals in stomachs, such as the remains of dogs, cats, cattle, horses, pigs – and also humans. A total of 53 white shark accidents are guaranteed in the Mediterranean, of which 42 are bites – 23 of which were fatal. Human remains were found in stomachs in eleven cases, but over the entire period of observation since the Middle Ages. The last fatal white shark accident was in Italy in 1989. ”

Incredible drone shots from South Africa: a great white shark swims right next to surfers – the group does not seem to notice the animal at first.

Video: Divers discover and swim with a giant Great White Shark

Also read: Afraid of shark attack? These six dangers in the water are worse

A nightmare became a bitter reality for a 44-year-old British woman: her husband was eaten by a tiger shark on a holiday together. How the woman identifies her husband is reminiscent of a horror film. Now a surfer has been fatally injured in a shark attack in California. In Australia, a fisherman succumbed to his injuries after a shark attack. In Australia, a teenager is attacked by a shark while surfing.

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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