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“Great response” to the hairdresser fundraising campaign for Vanessa who is sick

More than half the time for the fundraising campaign for 18-year-old Vanessa is over, the current status gives hope. The response has been great, the total donation target of 9,000 euros for Vanessa will probably be exceeded, an organizer of the campaign informed the BR when asked.

Money from the fundraising campaign is to be used for medicines

The “24-hour haircutting” fundraising campaign started yesterday between 10 am and 10 pm. It will be continued today, Sunday, in the same period. A donation foundation and a donation box have already collected 8,000 euros. How much money the hairdressing campaign at the Wunsiedler Luisenburg Resort will bring in cannot yet be said. How much the customers want to pay for the care of their hair and beards is up to them – 100 percent of the money goes to Vanessa via the Hochfranken Children’s Cancer Aid.

Vanessa has a brain tumor

The 18-year-old from Weißenstadt in the district of Wunsiedel suffers from a diffuse intrinsic ponsiglioma (DIPG), i.e. from a malignant brain tumor. A new drug seems to work for her, but costs around 3,000 euros per month. Statutory health insurance does not cover the costs because it is not an approved drug.

When the mother of a classmate learns of Vanessa’s illness, she talks to hairdressers friends about the fate of the young woman. This ultimately gave rise to the idea of ​​starting a charity haircutting campaign.

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