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Great Nancy. Enzo Rerolle, the journey of a bakery-pastry prodigy

Black hat screwed on the head. Floury apron. Radiant smile. No doubt, Enzo Rerolle, 17, is a young, fulfilled baker-pastry chef. And for good reason. On March 9, the young man from Nancy, a student at Cepal de Laxou, arrived 2e in the regional competition for the best butter croissant in Isigny.

A silver medal allowing him to qualify for the national final to be held in Caen on May 17 and 18.

Like a high-level athlete, the young apprentice “worked hard to succeed in qualifying”, explains Ludovic Masson, his teacher.

“I worked in the morning, and I came here to work on my recipes in the afternoon for more than a month and a half,” he smiles.

A family legacy

“After school, I went to help my father in his bakery. It was at the age of 11, therefore, that he fell into the profession of baker and pastry chef alongside his dad.

Six years later, Enzo, holder of a CAP, is currently taking his professional certificate as an apprentice in his father’s bakery, “La Favorite”, in Saulxures-lès-Nancy.

“Obviously he’s proud of me, even if he would have preferred me to finish first. The important thing is that I’m there. »

What objectives?

When asked about her goals, her eyes light up: “To go as far as possible in the competition. Open a bakery, with my own products. And, why not, one day become Meilleur Ouvrier de France. To complete the first, he will have to make twelve croissants and twelve viennoiseries on a theme imposed by the jury, but which he does not yet know.

“I’m going to continue to train”, confides the one who would like to come across the “sweet and salty”, a theme he says he “masters perfectly”.

For the other two objectives, “I still have time, especially since it requires a lot of investment. But after that, I will have succeeded in everything. »

So, let’s hope this Grand Nancéien gets the gold medal for the best Isigny butter croissant in May!

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