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Great Corpus Christi procession in Cologne is canceled | DOMRADIO.DE

Due to the corona pandemic, there will be no service on Corpus Christi this year on Roncalliplatz. There is also no traditional procession through Cologne city center. Instead, the high cathedral invites you to a pontifical mass.

Archbishop Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki celebrates mass at 10 a.m. According to current plans, a small sacrament group will then move around the cathedral on behalf of the faithful.

“The celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi originated in Cologne and has an 800-year tradition,” says Provost Msgr. Guido Assmann. “That is why we do not want to skip the celebration entirely, but we would like to organize it carefully and responsibly with a view to the current pandemic situation.”

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Because a church service on Roncalliplatz would be associated with numerous conditions and imponderables, the pontifical mass will take place at 10 a.m. in the cathedral this year. “Regardless of the weather and like on any other day, up to 250 people can take a seat here and celebrate with the necessary distance, according to our tried and tested hygiene concept,” continues the Provost.

After the festive service, the closing prayer and a short eucharistic devotion, according to current plans, the Archbishop will first move with a small group of sacraments and the Holy of Holies on the stairs in front of the south portal of the cathedral, then to the canon cemetery on the east side and on the north flank of the canon cemetery.

At each of the three stations, he prays with a delegation from various church groups (young people, representatives of international congregations and assistants who are particularly required in the pandemic) and donates the Eucharistic blessing in different directions of the city.

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Then the sacrament group moves back into the cathedral through the west portal, where another mass begins around 12 p.m. with the seminarians of the archdiocese, among others.

“With this restrained way of celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi, we want to take our responsibility in the pandemic seriously and take account of the current exceptional situation,” says Provost Msgr. Guido Assmann. “In the cathedral and in the procession, which is not canceled this year, but takes place in a different way, a manageable number of believers will take part on behalf of the whole city. At the same time, the pontifical mass and the sacramental blessing will be broadcast by DOMRADIO.DE so that everyone who would like to can also celebrate from home. Of course, we reserve the right to adjust our plans in accordance with the current pandemic situation. “

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