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great closing with Europe e .. (1st episode)

Direct first episode of Arena ’60 ’70 ’80 with Amadeus, live commentary

There are also the Team 84 for the grand finale of the first episode of Arena ’60 ’70 ’80. Amadeus thanks the audience in the stands, but also the viewers and the social people. “If you liked the party, I invite you again next Saturday for the second episode”, says the host of the Raiuno house. And in the meantime, the Europe for a strong closure, just like the opening. Same song and same enthusiasm, Europe closes with applause with the beautiful The Final Countdown, soundtrack of a hit film like Rocky. Arena ’60 ’70 ’80, therefore, returns next Saturday, October 3, with a new episode and new guests. The time travel of music continues … (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Ivana Spagna to scream

The first episode of Arena ’60 ’70 ’80 continues to involve artists of various kinds, who have marked different eras with their music. There are those who continue to do so and in this sense Amadeus is delighted to announce and review Ivana Spagna. The singer dominates the stage with great enthusiasm, the same that the Veronese public reserves for her.

“We are not remembering, we are living”, comments Amadeus after Spain’s performance. “This broadcast is simply a time machine. And now we are all in the eighties “, continues the conductor. The party continues but is approaching the grand finale, with a series of guests expected in the lineup. It’s up to Sergio Caputo delight the Arena, while the fans of the great Ivana Spagna wake up on social networks, just taking leave to applause. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Amadeus, anecdote about the Festivalbar

Sandy Marton protagonist on Raiuno with a piece loved by the public, People From Ibiza. The Arena is unleashed, once again, before giving way to one of the many anecdotes told by Amadeus. “I have many memories here at the Verona Arena between Festivalbar and concerts”, explains the host. “And up there – he says pointing to one of the highest sectors – I remember that the Arena was packed, it was 79 and I remember a great joyful explosion up there when it arrived Alan Sorrenti with You are the only woman for me ”.

And here he is, then, Alan Sorrenti. On the stage in Verona there is space for an encore, before the arrival of the beautiful Tracy Spencer with the song Run to me. Amadeus has also entered the mood and dances as if he were one of the audience. Moment of lightness and music in the Rai house, with the first episode of Arena ’60 ’70 ’80 that takes us back in time, between great successes and never forgotten artists. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Bis by Loredana Bertè and socials revved up

And here we are again with Umberto Tozzi, who sings Gloria, and Loredana Bertè with Sei Bellissima. Amadeus calls this last piece a real hymn and invites the Arena to sing it together. Meanwhile, on social media, benevolent comments are multiplying towards the legendary Loredana, who confirms herself as the queen of the evening. But the first episode of Arena ’60 ’70 ’80 goes on with another great character of Italian music, which Amadeus presents with great fanfare.

“Let’s go to the sixties, when there was someone who decreed the beginning of summer. It started when you listened to songs like Bronzatissima or Guarda come Dondolo. In short, we are talking about Edoardo Vianello ”. And here it is, Edoardo Vianello, earn the stage and the thunderous applause of the audience. Nice jump back in time, the Arena dances and has fun. And it is immediately nostalgia…. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Umberto Tozzi protagonist

Samanta Fox set the Verona Arena on fire with Touch Me e Amadues prepares to call back on stage Umberto Tozzi and Loredana Bertè, by popular demand. “Umberto Tozzi will sing Gloria”, the host announces enthusiastically. While Loredana Bertè will give away some other pieces of his repertoire. Space also for Europe who opened the evening with great energy, with the famous piece The Final Countdown, soundtrack of the film Rocky.

Meanwhile, on social media, the fans of Orietta Berti and Loredana Bertè make themselves heard, commenting on their performances with enthusiastic tones. Also very welcome to the social audience is the homage that Arena ’60 ’70 ’80 dedicated to the great and unforgettable Raffaella Carrà, an ever green symbol of music and entertainment in our country. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Standing ovation per Orietta Berti

Great emotions at the Verona Arena where the highly anticipated arrives Orietta Berti. After the success obtained at the Sanremo Festival and this summer with the hit Mille, Orietta Berti enjoys all the affection of the fans. The singer thanks for the standing ovation and when Amadeus asks her what the secret of such a long and satisfying career is she shrugs. “It’s beautiful,” she says excitedly. And on the love of the public: “The credit goes to Amedeus, who took me to Sanremo last February”.

“I met at the Sanremo Festival Fedez, who proposed Mille to me, together with Achille. It was a lottery thanks to the public ”, continues Berti. Open applause for the singer-songwriter, who takes leave and leaves room for the other guests in the lineup. Enthusiasm skyrockets at the Arena, but also on social networks where fans make themselves heard. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Tribute to Raffaella Carrà

The great party of the Verona Arena lights up with Europe and continues with Loredana Bertè and Umberto Tozzi. We dance and sing, to the delight of Amadeus who rattles off his memories related to the first interviews with Loredana Bertè: “And it is great pride for me to be here today with you”. Bertè reciprocates and enjoys the warmth of the Arena, which asks for an encore. But the lineup is very long and there is no time.

Amadeus sings Children of the Stars and introduces Alan Sorrenti. It is a piece, Sons of the Stars, in vogue at the end of the seventies and which all in all remains an ever green. Then the tribute to the successes of the great Raffaella Carrà, with a best-of. “Raffaella Carrà would have liked this party so much because she loved seeing the public having fun”, says Amadeus excitedly. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Amadeus’ message

Little is missing for the first episode of Arena ’60 ’70 ’80, the live event from the Verona Arena to relive the great protagonists of Italian music. We will follow the episode together, with a particular eye to the guests who will alternate on stage. To lead the evening the legendary Amadeus, who said he was very excited on the eve of this great party.

A party that, in some way, wants to bring a message of optimism and hope for the future, a carefree evening as a symbol of restart. But not only: “The protagonists of these thirty years will be present at the Arena live to make everyone sing and dance. It will be for all the very young who know these timeless hits and the less young who want to remember. For me it is a great emotion, a debut “, said the famous conductor. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Arena Suzuki ’60 ’70 ’80: previews and direct prime time 25 September

Amadeus is ready to kick off a Arena Suzuki ‘60 ‘70 ‘80, an event in which many performances will be staged by great artists. A great emotion for the conductor, who anticipated what awaits us on Rai 1. “There will be two evenings of great celebration for everyone with some of the musical protagonists of these thirty years who will be present at the Arena live to make everyone sing and dance. An evening for the very young who know these timeless hits and the less young who want to remember. For me it is a great emotion, a debut. – admitted the conductor, recalling that – It is my first time as a conductor at the Arena, although I grew up in Verona it did not happen in my career, not even at the time of the Festivalbar “. (Update by Anna Montesano)

Amadeus leading a great evening of music

On Saturday 25 September, in prime time, Raiuno broadcasts Arena Suzuki ’60 ’70 ’80, the first of the two event evenings dedicated to Italian and international music of the sixties, seventies and eighties which, with new genres and sounds, influenced the entire discography that followed. Two event evenings that will be framed by the suggestive and wonderful Arena di Verona which, after hosting the Seat Music Awards, returns to welcome the great names of music for a real party dedicated to the music of the past.

The landlord will be a true Veronese like Amadeus who, on the stage of the Verona Arena, will also return to wear the role of deejay. From behind a console, which will be one of the fundamental nuclei of the scene, he will let the public and guests listen to his playlist.

All the guests of the first evening of Arena Suzuki ’60 ’70 ’80

On the stage of the Verona Arena, during the first evening of Arena Suzuki ’60 ’70 ’80 Italian and international artists of those years will go up, that is Europe, Loredana Bertè, Umberto Tozzi, Alan Sorrenti, Orietta Berti, Johnson Righeira, Sandy Marton, Maurizio Vandelli, Samantha Fox, Edoardo Vianello, Tracy Spenser, Sergio Caputo, Spain.

The great music of the ’60s,’ 70s and ’80s, with all the protagonists offering timeless hits live, because even generation Z knows these songs perfectly “, Amadeus declared to the microphones of Rtl 102.5- “We are talking about three decades with a strong musical personality, of characters still protagonists of evenings and concerts and of very current successes”.


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