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Great Britain: State Secretary resigns because of chief adviser Dominic Cummings

British government advisor Dominic Cummings declines to violate exit restrictions a resignation. Another employee of Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now drawing personal consequences from the affair: State Secretary Douglas Ross has announced his resignation.

Cummings’ interpretation of the exit restrictions “cannot understand most people who follow government rules,” wrote Ross Prime Minister Johnson. There had been harsh criticism of Cummings in his conservative party. British commentators do not rule out further resignations.

“I have voters who could not say goodbye to their loved ones, families who could not mourn together, people who did not visit their sick relatives because they followed the rules of the government,” said the Secretary of State for Scotland. He couldn’t tell everyone they were wrong and Cummings right.

Cummings alleged in a one-hour press conference Monday that he ignored exit restrictions with a trip to his parents, strictly rejected. He did not regret his behavior and had never considered resigning, said Cummings.

The chief adviser had given the reason for the trip to Durham in the north-east of England at the end of March that he wanted to ensure the care of his little son in this way: his wife had contracted Covid-19 and he himself expected to be infected.

Great outrage came in Great Britain that he had driven from there to a castle about 50 kilometers away in order to test his eyesight after the survived infection. The incident had come to light through a police report.

State health service fears the wrong signal

Niall Dickson of the umbrella organization NHS Confederation said that there are great concerns among the NHS that Numm Dickson said that Cumming’s statements could weaken confidence in the government and in pandemic control measures. “It cannot be said often enough that the instructions have actually saved thousands of lives,” he told BBC. Clergymen who criticized Cummings’ behavior received death threats on social media.

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