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Great blunderbuss! The Mexican National Team already knows the list of its next rival

MEXICO.- The Mexican team you already know the name of the figures you will face in Cardiff. This after coach Robert Page de Gales make the call for European players. Well, with the endorsement of Ryan Giggs will take charge in the games of this country. This list will be used for the World Cup qualifying games against the Czech Republic and Belgium.

The strategist will be in charge while the former Manchester United star deals with legal problems. For this he began his call with the return of Gareth Bale from Tottenham. This thanks to the good performance during 2021 with José Mourinho’s team. In which he accumulates six annotations in eight appearances in the Premier League.

In addition, Page called Joe Allen who is returning from an ankle injury that marginalized him for all of 2020. Wayne Hannessey was also selected as goalkeeper after an absence on the last FIFA date. Thus the Welsh players will meet in mid-March. Well, on the 24th they play the eliminatory game against Belgium at the Den Dreef stadium.

Later they return to Cardiff to face the Mexican National Team on Saturday, March 27. For Tuesday in the same stadium they will receive the Czech Republic as part of the European tie. In the same group are Belarus and Estonia making up group E. In which a ticket and a half are awarded to the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

While the Mexican National Team will announce its call days before the 12th day of Guard1anes 2021. In which it will not be able to count on figures such as JJ Macías, Sebastián Córdova, Alexis Vega and César Montes. Since they were summoned for the Tokyo 2020 pre-Olympic. For which the coach Gerardo Martino could give some surprise to cover these losses.

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