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Great Barrier Reef is rapidly crumbling: halved in the past 25 years

The researchers concluded that all types of coral have decreased by more than 50 percent in the largest reef in the world. The branching and table-shaped corals have been particularly affected. These are the large species that normally provide habitat for fish and other marine life.

‘Unrecognizable reef’

The worst hit is the north of the reef. There, the amount of coral fell by as much as 98 percent in some cases. Fortunately, the decline is slower in the southern part, but there too there is a decrease of at least a quarter of the coral. In 2016 and 2017, most of the coral was lost due to various environmental reasons.

“There is no time to lose, we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible,” the researchers write in their report. “We expect the decline to continue. The only effective way to do something about it is global action against greenhouse gases. If the Earth’s temperature rises by another 3 to 4 degrees, the reef will be unrecognizable.”

Chance of recovery

Fortunately, there is still hope. The coral could recover to its former health, but it will take time. It can take decades for the reef to return to its original size.

The Great Barrief Reef stretches for 2,300 kilometers. Since 1981 it has been a World Heritage Site for its ‘immense scientific and intrinsic importance’. The health and size of the reef was studied from 1995 to 2017.

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