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Graz Poster 1920-1955 – Exhibition

Exhibition: Graz Museum Sackstrasse | 2022-09-22—2023-04-10, Daily 10am-6pm

The exhibition Graz Poster 1920-1955 presents designs and posters from the Graz Museum collection.
In the second half of the 20th century, posters significantly shaped the image of the city and contributed to the identity construction of its residents.

Graz companies and institutions such as the Puntigam brewery, Göc, Kastner & Öhler, Humanic or the trade fair recognized the importance of advertising and commissioned artists to design advertising graphics. The orders served them as an important source of income in addition to their independent artistic work. In addition, some artists also worked for political parties, for which they designed propaganda posters.

The posters and exhibition content can be experienced by means of listening, touching or smelling stations. The show thus offers an inclusive offer and sensual added value for all visitors.

Talk to the exhibition
Günter Riegler, City Councilor for Culture
Otto Hochreiter, director of the Graz Museum
Annette Rainer & Franziska Schurig, curators
Angela Fink, Project Manager Inclusion
The opening will be interpreted into sign language.

Gothic Hall: Presentation of the Printing Workshop. Within the project art of seduction.

More info

Photo (c) GrazMuseum

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