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“Gray panthers” help the mini-kickers

The soccer department of SV Thomasstadt Kempen is enjoying a large increase in children and young people. Therefore, the association is looking for senior citizens and retirees as volunteer helpers.

At the SV Thomasstadt Kempen If you look back on a very eventful and successful year. The multi-disciplinary association can soon welcome its 1000th member. Honorary member is a professional Jordan Beyer from the Bundesliga club Borussia Monchengladbachwho, as Bambini, laced his football boots for the first time at SV Thomasstadt. With 31 teams in play and almost 700 members, the football department is one of the largest in the entire Kempen-Krefeld district.

Many sports clubs recorded a noticeable decline in membership during the corona pandemic. It looks different at SV Thomasstadt. The youth soccer department in particular is experiencing a real run. Especially in the youngest teams, not all football-loving children can currently be accepted. The 2016 Bambini alone have over 40 table footballers and a few more who would like to join. That is very gratifying, but it also requires a large number of volunteer helpers on and off the field.

We are now looking for volunteers to support the work in the association either on the pitch or in the organization. With the campaign “Gray panthers help mini-kickers”, which started at the end of December, youth leaders want Heinz-Peter Brux and the 1st chairman Michael Beenen Support the children and young people by specifically addressing retirees, retirees and early retirees from Kempen and the surrounding area for voluntary work in the association.

SV Thomasstadt would like to bring generations together

In Kempen there is – compared to other municipalities – a high number of sprightly pensioners who have often lost a lot of social contacts due to the loss of the network at work and the isolation in the time of the pandemic. It is difficult to rebuild this, and this is where the SV Thomasstadt idea came in. The association would like to bring together the two generations who supposedly had the toughest social restrictions due to Corona.

The commitment of the affectionately named “Gray Panthers” is required on or off the field, because there are enough tasks at all levels. In addition to co-trainers and supervisors, there is always a need for tournament helpers, game planners, material supervisors, organizational helpers and many other tasks with a total of almost 1000 members in the club.

“We can use every helping hand”

With the campaign, SV Thomasstadt would like to make a contribution to linking the generations and give interested retirees the opportunity to get involved with the children and benefit from the children through a voluntary task with a social background and a lot of positive feedback from the athletes.

“We can use every helping hand, be it on or off the seat in the organization. All it takes is a little commitment in a manageable amount of time, as thanks you get bright children’s eyes and the feeling of giving something back to society, ”says youth leader and initiator Heinz-Peter Brux.

Interested “gray panthers” can contact Heinz-Peter Brux (youth leader), Tel. 0173-6026579 or [email protected] or come to the information evening on Tuesday, January 11th from 8pm. More information with Kempen Podcast by Thorsten Sleegers at https://kempen-podcast.podigee.io/41-jung-alt-bleiben-am-ball.

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