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Grapeseed Oil Rich in Linoleic Acid Better Than Olive or Fish Oil – Study

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According to research, grapeseed oil, a vegetable oil rich in linoleic acid, is better at preventing disease than olive oil or fish oil, and can even help people preserve more muscle tissue.

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This study, published in the “Journal of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research” and conducted by Ohio State University in the United States, found that if the body contains higher levels of linoleic acid, the internal organs are less likely to accumulate visceral fat that can easily cause cardiovascular disease, and The body’s muscles, the so-called “lean mass”, will also be higher and inflammation will be reduced. Because the higher the concentration of linoleic acid in the body, the body is less likely to develop insulin resistance, which can reduce the incidence of diabetes. Linoleic acid is mostly found in vegetable oils such as grape seed oil, safflower seed oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil.

As for the olive oil that many people admire, it is rich in oleic acid. Studies have found that the oleic acid in olive oil or the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, although they are also considered healthy fatty acids, have been shown in studies to have an effect on lowering the risk of heart disease. The risk of disease or diabetes is of little help. Therefore, if you want to maintain health, it is better to buy cheaper grape seed oil.

In addition to consuming oils in your diet to protect your cardiovascular system, drinking tea is also a good way. This study was published in the “Annals of Epidemiology”. A study conducted by Johns Hopkins Hospital in the United States on 6,200 subjects found that people who drank tea every day were more likely to develop heart arrest, stroke, heart disease, and cardiovascular disease. The risk of death is 35% lower than that of people who don’t drink tea at all, and the chance of coronary artery sclerosis is also reduced.

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A study by the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the United States found that people who drink tea moderately have slower progression of coronary artery calcification and a lower risk of cardiovascular problems. Although the exact reason is not yet known, it is speculated that it is the analogues in tea. The role of antioxidant components such as flavonoids, flavonoids can prevent cell damage and protect cardiovascular systems.

(Picture source: Dreamstime/Dianjiang Image)

Further reading:
·Drink green tea to help you lose weight! Which one is better: cold brew or hot brew?Study and answer the correct method of brewing and drinking
·To make milk tea, should you add “milk or black tea” first?Experts reveal the “correct order”…must add 1 hidden health trap

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2024-01-08 03:08:34

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