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Grand Press Awards. Andrzej Stankiewicz took the third place in the journalist category of 2020

– This year, one of the nominations aroused great controversy. It’s about Beata Lubecka’s interview with Margot. I believe that many unfair words have been said to the editor of Lubecka – said Andrzej Stankiewicz accepting the award.

– I am not the biggest supporter of this interview, I believe that the editor of Lubecka does many other, better interviews, but I think that the criticism has crossed the boundaries. Those who struggle with aggression towards minorities often resorted to aggression towards editor Lubecka, and it was she who became a minority here. And I will always stand on the side of those who are in the minority – noted the award-winning journalist Onet.

Andrzej Stankiewicz’s appeals

Andrzej Stankiewicz remarked that the awarding of these awards was a real celebration of journalism, but he remarked that “after it turned out that Polish oil companies will publish newspapers, it is not a happy day”. The Onet journalist then made three short appeals to the journalistic environment.

– I’ll start with the publishers. A lot depends on you. Oilers, electricians, gas workers have unlimited money. It is up to you, the publishers, whether we will still be able to practice our profession – said Andrzej Stankiewicz. – I would not like to be an oilman, I would not like to be a gas supplier, electrician – he added.

– I also have an appeal to journalists. Even though times are tough, the quality of these nominations and the quality of these texts, videos, audio materials shows that there are still a lot of fantastic journalists here. It is an honor to work with you. And it is an honor to race with you – said the winner of the 3rd place in the “Journalist of the Year” category. – Do not get reinstalled by gas engineers, electricians and oil workers. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

– The last appeal is probably the most important for your audience who watch us. From your daily choices. What you turn on, what you click on, what you pay for in the kiosk depends on what Polish journalism will be like. So I have a request to select those who do not live on propaganda and do not live on hatred. It is a very simple choice and I hope you will make that choice.

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