Home » Health » Granada touches again the dozen deaths from Covid in a week in which the rest of the indicators drop

Granada touches again the dozen deaths from Covid in a week in which the rest of the indicators drop

Complicated reading that can be made of the Covid-19 situation in Granada. After the worrying panorama that the previous report of the Junta de Andalucía painted, with ten deaths in a week and the rest of the indicators rising, the new update from the Ministry of Health shows that, once again, the province marks a maximum in the number of deaths, with 9, although the rest of the parameters have experienced a significant drop.

The number of deaths in the province, which brings the total up to 2,316, is also the highest in Andalusia, although very close to that registered by Malaga (8). With this new increase, Granada once again ranks as the third province in the autonomous community where the pandemic has claimed the most lives, also behind Malaga (2,846) and Seville (3,407).

Deaths are undoubtedly one of the most worrying faces of Covid, although the drop in other indicators opens doors to hope. Thus, if last Tuesday Health indicated that there had been 111 new infectionsthis week there have been only 91, which represents an average of 13 newspapers and confirms a downward trend that had already been taking place for some time, something to highlight in a situation like the current one, with the irruption of the variant Krakenwhich has put several groups on alert.

On the other hand, in the last part of the Meeting, there have been notified 28 new hospital admissions, a significant drop from 67 last week and closer to the data prior to Tuesday’s rebound. They also decrease, although less, the patients in intensive care that this week there have been two, compared to three on Tuesday the 24th.

Lastly, regarding the vaccination2,222,567 doses have been administered in the province and the autumn booster dose of last year has been inoculated to 180,039 people in the province.

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