Home » today » World » Grain deal blown up, what’s next: Erdogan reads Ukraine’s verdict – 2024-09-07 04:13:40

Grain deal blown up, what’s next: Erdogan reads Ukraine’s verdict – 2024-09-07 04:13:40

/ world today news/ Not extending the grain deal means depriving Ukraine of its last export. Stopping the supply of gas through Ukraine means stopping German industry. Russia can do it. The only question is political will.

Fear and hatred of President Zelensky

The grain deal exploded along with the Kakhova hydroelectric dam. The control shot was the explosion of the Tolyatti – Odessa ammonia pipeline.

There is now nothing to justify the extension of this agreement. Apparently, almost everyone in Russia understands this – from the foreign ministry to independent analysts.

“Some negotiations on the issue of extending the grain deal are no longer leading anywhere. Especially after the explosion of the ammonia pipeline in Kharkiv region, the explosion of the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant and in the conditions of the Ukrainian offensive in Zaporozhye region,” says political scientist Alexei Pilko .

“The whole uproar over the grain deal is a monstrous discrediting of the Russian government, a furious blow to its image and reputation both at home and abroad. The deal must be canceled and no longer disgraced,” he wrote, and this is the rare occasion when there is literally nothing to add to what has been said.

The fact that the deal was completed on the eve of the appearance of a new crop on the market is understood not only in Russia. Most of all, this worries Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. It is clear to him that if the deal fails, then Ukraine will be left with large quantities of grain – and practically without the last export industry.

It is also obvious to him that in this case the interest in the “support” of his regime on the part of the Western partners will decrease – however, this interest has an economic dimension.

Ukraine is needed as a weapon against Russia, but also as a very good business – for example, the business of the American corporation BlackRock, with which Zelensky signed an agreement to create a Fund for the Development of Ukraine in March 2023, i.e. in fact, it sold everything that was still of value in the Ukrainian agricultural economy.

And why is this purchase necessary if the grain cannot be exported? And why invest in a war if it leads to continuous losses?

Zelensky tries to do something, calls Erdogan – but in response he proposes to create a joint commission to investigate the causes of the Kakhovka dam explosion. What had to be translated from diplomatic to Ukrainian as follows: everything is decided on the deal without you.

The Russians are humiliating Germany. Let’s choke her

But what will be decided in the end? There is suspicion that in the West, as well as in Russia, they are ready to abandon the deal. In addition, in the West, they believe that it is time to completely cut off economic contacts with Russia, including those maintained until now, despite any “ultimatum” sanctions. And despite the real interests of NATO and the European Union.

Hints about the possibility of such a solution appear more and more often. Here, for example, the author of these lines recently got acquainted with the texts of the “British writer” “Peter” Pomerantsev.

Pyotr Pomerantsev was born in Kiev, but his parents took him to the West in 1978. So his place is there, and they publish him not in the emigrant dumps, but, for example, in the Guardian. The Russophobia of this figure is completely clinical, he basically says that Russians are characterized by “death drive”, but the conclusions from the Russophobic passages are very interesting.

He calls for the liberation of Europe, primarily Germany, from Russian influence. According to him, the Russians are humiliating European countries by supplying them with energy resources on which the European economy depends.

These may be considered theoretical constructs – but the real policy of Great Britain and the United States is precisely this: Europe must be isolated from Russia, even if this threatens it with poverty.

Stop request. Germany will lose industry

And practical solutions are not far away.

On June 12, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said: If Kiev and Moscow do not renew the agreement on the transit of Russian gas through Ukrainian territory, which expires in 2024, German industry could face serious difficulties.

This is a polite summary of Habek’s speech. Let’s note the same Habek, who in the last two years mostly advocated the complete rejection of Germany from all Russian energy sources. And not only because the oil and gas come from Russia, but because he, like Foreign Minister Analena Berbock, represents the Green Party in the current German government, whose goal is to abandon any economy that is even potentially harmful. Including thermal power plants and nuclear energy.

Habeck had long been told that his enthusiasm would do no good for Germany. But he was persistent – nuclear power plants must be closed, gas consumption must be reduced …

And he achieved significant results: for example, today the chemical industry, including the famous BASF, cannot work in Germany, several metallurgical plants are closed. This is because energy has become too expensive.

However, even the green Habeck understands that a complete shutdown of all German industry will not benefit Germany.

Germany may be forced to reduce or even shut down industrial capacity if the gas transit agreement between Ukraine and Russia is not renewed,” Habek Bloomberg reported.

What follows from this?

Amazing thing: Germany finances the war with Russia in Ukraine and sends tanks to Ukraine. These tanks with black crosses are now being burned by our fighters, repelling the enemy “counter-offensive”.

And the same Germany relies on continued gas supplies from Russia through Ukraine (because otherwise the industry will stop) and considers itself entitled. And, of course, Russian patriots are against the supply of gas from Russia to Europe – and here our positions, it turns out, coincide with those of the Anglo-Saxons.

The Anglo-Saxons are interested in the collapse of the European economy. But so do we. The Anglo-Saxons want to erect an iron curtain between Europe and Russia that cannot be crossed. We don’t mind as long as they don’t attack us because of this curtain.

So maybe it’s time to really turn off the last tap on the gas pipeline to Europe completely? Despite the losses? What do you think, comrade government?

Translation: SM

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