Placed under the High Patronage of the First Lady Hadjia Hadiza Bazoum and the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Phd Mamoudou Djibo in the presence of the Minister of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs, Dr. Idi Illiassouthe representative of the Governor of the Niamey region, the Rector of the UAM, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FSS), the coordinator of the Ophthalmology DES, Teacher. Associate Abdou Amza, representatives of the international jury from Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso, professors and associate professors, students, General Managers of health structures and numerous personalities.
After the word of the representative of the Governor of the region of Niamey, the Coordinator of DES d’Ophtalmologie, Teacher. Aggregate Abdou Amzathanked the 1st Lady for the sponsorship of this First promotion of 4 ophthalmologists trained at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FSS) of the UAM of Niamey.
According to Prof. Aggregated ABDOU AMZA, statistical data shows that Niger has one (1) ophthalmologist for every 500,000 inhabitants.
He added that the DES course in ophthalmology began in October 2018 with quality training and practical sessions in the operating room of the Ophthalmology department of the Amirou Boubacar Diallo National Hospital.
He also specified that each year four (4) ophthalmologists will be trained in Niger.
The Professor Habibou Abarchi, Head of the Department of Surgery and Surgical Specialties announced the results of the deliberations of the juries of the winners of the 1st Promotion of Ophthalmologist Doctors according to the following order:
– *1st exec from Promotion*
– *2nd of the Promotion*
– *3rd of the Promotion*
The representative of the international jury, Professor DIALLO affirmed that after four (4) years of hard work, the jury evaluated and deliberated the 4 candidates with *THE HONORABLE MENTION*.
He also indicated that the Teacher. Associate ABDOU AMZA proved to the international scientific community that there is the possibility of training Ophthalmologists in Niger before presenting its congratulations.
The representative of the recipients took the floor to present their gratitude to the Teacher. Aggregate Abdou Amza and the other masters who contributed to their training. He also indicated that Niger currently has two (2) ophthalmologists per region, a figure which is largely insufficient.
The Minister of Higher Education and Research, Ph.D Mamoudou Djibo welcomed the release of this promotion before emphasizing that it reinforces the number of Ophthalmologists in the country. He added that the President of the Republic invests enormously in the field of education and training.
According to him, the State through the Ministry of Higher Education and Research has contributed to the training of 4 ophthalmologists, and stands by their side to accompany them.
The First Lady, Hadjia Hadiza, President of the NOOR Foundation, took the floor to pay tribute to the first ophthalmologist Professor Kabo Harouna before welcoming the exit of this promotion.