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“Graduation 23: A Look at the Cosmopolitan Generation of Dreamers Saying Goodbye to School”

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Graduates are full of energy and think they are ready to dive into life

Graduation 23 says goodbye to school. The cosmopolitan generation of dreamers who grew up in the age of social networks traveled abroad from an early age – for work for loved ones, excursions or youth exchanges.

They communicated with peers from all over the world, lost thousands of hours in social networks like tiktok, went through the covid pandemic and online training, some of them did not read a single book, but today, for example, they calmly speak two languages.

Many wrote them off as “unreliable”, but others are adamant that it is precisely these children who will change Bulgaria.

Some of the graduates are adamant that they are going to study abroad. The usual destinations are the Netherlands and Germany.

It is noticeable that more and more of the high school graduates decide to stay in Bulgaria, specifically in Burgas, pursuing continuing education in the field of healthcare and IT.

The boys had bet on stylish suits, mostly in the dark color range, while the girls this year relied on rose ash dresses or those with blue, green.

See more in the video. Today our team is talking to high school graduates from several elite high schools in Burgas.

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Veronika Stankova – 19 years old, graduated from PGHT “Acad. N. D. Zelinsky”
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Graduates from the Commercial High School in Burgas
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Karine Aslanyan is the star of the graduating class at the Trade High School
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Simona and Spas – Princess and Musketeer
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We’re not drunk, these high school seniors said, clearly showing that they’re sober at 6 p.m.

2023-05-24 19:01:43

#stars #cosmopolitan #generation #dreamers #goodbye #school #today #VIDEO

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