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Graciana Peñafort: “Argentine Justice is going to have …

“Finally, the Argentine Justice is going to have to hear that the entire case armed by Nisman is a lie,” the lawyer celebrated Graciana Peñafort when it became known that the former head of Interpol Ronald Noble will testify as a witness in the case for the Memorandum with Iran. Peñafort, who was a defense attorney for the late former Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman accused of treason, he regretted that Timerman “is not here to see him because how many times did we ask for the statement and in what rude way they rejected our requests “.

Peñafort recalled “the different strategies” that he went through with Timerman in what he described as “a case full of traps” and pointed particularly against the late federal judge Claudio Bonadío, who instructed the Memorandum case, the plaintiffs – among them the DAIA — And the media. “It was a horror and it cost Héctor his life. I am very sorry that only now can we get Noble’s declaration and also I’m glad because it’s going to be a focus of truth in a cause that was always a big lie“.

The lawyer considered that Noble’s statement, scheduled for October 5 and 19, “is what should have always happened” and in her testimony she will explain what “she has already explained hundreds of times, but, finally, the Argentine justice will having to hear that the whole Nisman cause was a lie. ”

“The cause had a political objective: it accused, tormented and caused the death of people who were innocent. It took innocent people to prison. It was a true harassment of a political sector with an infamous cause,” Peñafort described about the cause promoted by the late prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was found dead in his apartment the day he had to go to present his investigation to Congress.

Peñafort indicated that the idea of ​​the pact with Iran was proposed by Noble himself to resolve what was an international conflict of difficult resolution, since Iran does not grant extradition to the high political leaders who are accused of the attack on the AMIA and the Argentina cannot make judgments in absentia. “Noble decided to bring the parties closer to solve it”, The lawyer said about the story that now the former head of Interpol will be able to tell before an Argentine prosecutor.

“What was sought with the Memorandum was a breakthrough in the AMIA investigation and in the face of this worthy objective, they assembled a horrible cause,” lamented Timerman’s former lawyer.

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