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Grace Natalie’s Intervention at the Third Presidential Debate of 2024 Election


CNN Indonesia

Sunday, 07 Jan 2024 22:40 IWST

Deputy Chair of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team, Grace Natalie, explained the reason she came to the moderator’s table during the ad break for the third debate for the 2024 Presidential Election. (CNN Indonesia/Feri Agus Setyawan)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Deputy Chair of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team, Grace Natalie go to the moderator third debate 2024 presidential election because he wanted to ask about the rules regarding the attitude of supporters present at the location.

The reason is, there is one supporter who raises his finger to indicate the candidate he supports every time the presidential candidate speaks. The supporters were behind the moderator, so they could be seen directly by the presidential candidate who was speaking.

“Supporters of one of the candidate pairs wearing a green jacket, a red and white scarf, raised their hands high several times when a candidate pair answered,” he said via his X account, Sunday (7/1).

Seeing this live on location, Grace then approached the moderator during a commercial break. He asked the moderator about the applicable rules.

According to Grace, the supporters’ attitude disturbed the concentration of the presidential candidates who were speaking during the debate.

“Is this permissible, considering that the candidate pairs’ concentration can be disturbed? This is what Isyana & I asked the moderator during the commercial break,” he said.

In the video circulating, Grace and PSI official Isyana Bagoes Oka came to the moderator’s table during a commercial break for the third debate in the 2024 presidential election.

The General Election Commission (KPU) is holding the third debate for the 2024 presidential election this evening, Sunday (7/1). The debate was held at Istora Senaya, Jakarta.

In this debate, three presidential candidates clashed with their ideas. They are Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo.

Debate themes revolve around defense, security, geopolitics, international relations and foreign policy.

Each presidential candidate was given time to explain their respective vision and mission at the start of the debate. After that, questions from the panelists were continued which were read by the moderator and then a question and answer segment between the presidential candidates.

The debate will be guided by two moderators who are MNC Group journalists, namely Anisha Dasuki and Ariyo Ardi. MNC Group and Garuda TV were chosen as the broadcasting television stations.


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2024-01-07 15:40:24

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