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GPs are the last important party to agree to the care agreement | inland

The National Association of General Practitioners (LHV) will still sign the care agreement, she decided on Tuesday during a members’ meeting. The LHV is the last important party that still has to sign the so-called Integral Care Agreement (IZA).

The care agreement was signed in September signed by several organizations from the healthcare sector and with Minister of Health Ernst Kuipers. But according to the minister, the “historic and unique” agreement was not signed by the GPs.

The LHV wanted it more guarantees before she would agree to the IZA. For example, they wanted a guarantee from the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) about rates for care outside office hours. Another important point was the guarantee from health insurers that doctors will have more time for their patients.

According to the GPs, “these necessary steps” have now been taken. For example, the NZa rates have risen by an average of 30 percent and GPs are also getting more time for their patients.

That did not alter the fact that GPs are still divided about the agreement. Nevertheless, “a large majority” voted in favor of the agreement, the LHV reports. Now we have to work on working out the agreements.

The IZA contains plans from the healthcare organizations and the government to make the sector future-proof. Due to the aging population, the demand for care is expected to increase sharply. The measures in the care agreement should prevent the care in our country from getting stuck.

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