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Governor of Tamaulipas will file a complaint against Lozoya

The governor of Tamaulipas points out that the statements against him, issued by Lozoya, are to hide the serious problems of the country. Photo: Facebook Francisco Cabeza de Vaca

He governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco Cabeza de Vaca, commented that he will file a complaint against Emilio Lozoya after it involved him in a series of bribes, through a document dated August 11.

In said writing, the former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) presented a complaint where he also included the former presidents Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto.

Following the complaint of Lozoya, he governor of Tamaulipas highlighted, after an event in the city of Reynosa, that everything is about a operation to divert other problems of the country:

“The whole truth is going to come out, and what is going to come out is that this is an operation carried out directly by the central government to divert attention from the real problems, they no longer know what to do. They have already leaked a video, they have already leaked complaints, causally from one day to the next the name of a Morena governor disappears and the name of one of the main opponents of the bad decisions of this Government appears, who is that? The governor of Tamaulipas, there are no coincidences here. “

Francisco Cabeza de Vaca, governor of Tamaulipas.

Governor of Tamaulipas will denounce Emilio Lozoya

As to Lozoya, he governor of Tamaulipas described the former Pemex head as a offender, for which he indicated that he is going to report it; Furthermore, he implicated him in alleged past misdeeds:

“Of course we are going to present our complaints against that criminal (Lozoya) who, by the way, that criminal had already done different misdeeds before, he did it by financing campaigns in the state of Hidalgo, Veracruz and what do you think? Here in Tamaulipas. There are open files, there is an ongoing investigation. “

Francisco Cabeza de Vaca, governor of Tamaulipas.

Prior to these positions before the media, the state agent also communicated via Twitter who will seek to defend himself against the sayings of Lozoya, since, he claimed, they are using it with electoral purposes, for which he reiterated that he will respond with determination.

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Lozoya Austin has the obligation to sign on the 1st and 15th of each month, to preserve the probation, this Saturday he signed.


The video showing bribes in the Senate was attributed to Jesús Lozoya, but his defense said that his client did not release it.

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The Attorney General’s Office (FGR) reported that it has already opened an investigation folder with the evidence presented by the former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya, in relation to the bribes of the Odebrecht company and in which it is indicated former President Enrique Peña Nieto and Luis Videgaray, former Secretary of Foreign Relations.

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