we have more information in “atcobra kathy hochul has herschedule the signing of thelegislation to strengthenstockings on firearmsof the state, it is expected that thethis morning after an endof a classic week with shootingsthat left victims in almostall counties.isabel peraltahill has usto the details.isabel: indeed rafa, wewe met in the bronx wherethe governor is expectedcome today at 10:00tomorrow to sign thisbill, part of thispassed in the Senate, partthis project that promisesstrengthen control lawsof arms in the city of newyork.one of the guidelines that isincluded in this package is thatthose under 21 years old do notfiled buy a semi jeansautomatic, also those thatbuy, those who are olderof 21 who can buy thewell must have aspecial license and it is thatonly this weekendthe city on Sundayexample I work at 1:25 in theunfortunately it was declareddead right there on the scene,in the 10 80.also another one happened at 9:30manhattan at 17 12 amsterdamavenue, a man receives ashot in the cheekleft, lucky me I knowthis week’s statscomparison of May 23,this current year until 29same week last yearthere were 38, this year 23, theshooting victims in theand this year 29.it is also expected that thelegislation that is expected