Home » today » News » Governor Greg Abbott: Situation in New York with Migrants is Better than Texas

Governor Greg Abbott: Situation in New York with Migrants is Better than Texas

The governor of Texas, Greg Abbottwhich has been sending buses with migrants a NY For a year now, he assured that the situation in this ciudadcaused by the arrival of thousands of undocumentedis still better than in his own state, where 2 thousand kilometers of border with Mexico.

Abbott was in NY at an event organized by Manhattan Institute (conservative think tank) and refrained from directly criticizing the city’s mayor, Eric Adams, but did say that he is to blame for what is happening to New York – where they have reached 120 thousand migrants irregularities – we must look for it in the White House.

“The main importer of immigrants to NY it’s not Texas. Es Joe Biden“, he claimed.

“What is happening in NY (…) it is calm and organized compared to the real chaos that we see on the border, not every day, but every hour of every day,” said the Republican, according to Politicowho picked up his words.

Adams has declared a fiscal and humanitarian crisis due to the incessant flow of migrantswhich continues to have 60,000 of them under its direct care – accommodation, food and school – to whom it also provides legal assistance for their asylum application in this country.

Adams has said that this situation is “untenable” and that will impact all residents of the city and has criticized President Biden for not having provided the help that he has requested for a year.

Abbott took up that idea to also criticize Biden: “This is unsustainable. They are the words of your mayor, and they are those of the mayor of Chicago and Los Angeles. “Those are the words of the governor of Texas,” he said.

“They must convince their president of (contributing) something more than money. “They need a change in policy,” said the Republican politician.

With information from EFE

2023-09-28 01:00:39
#Texas #problems #immigration #York #Abbott

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