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Governor does not receive Democratic congressmen for family emergency

Governor Wanda Vázquez did not receive on Sunday afternoon Congressmen of the Democratic Party Steny Hoyer, Carolyn Maloney, Nydia Velázquez and Alexandria Ocasio Cortés, who came to the Fortress to meet with the president.

“We were supposed to be with the governor, but she had a family medical emergency. Ironically, one of our members, the Louisiana representative had a similar situation and could not be here either. But we are here because of our great concern about two hurricanes and a major impact earthquake. Congress approved over 50 billion dollars to meet the needs of infrastructure, residences, food education and transportation. We have come because we are frustrated, we are upset that we are taking affirmative actions that have not been implemented as quickly as we expected it to happen, ”said Representative Steny Hoyer at the end of the meeting with the Secretary of the Interior, Antonio Pabón.

“Whatever the situation to be resolved, we want to solve it,” added Hoyer, who insisted that it is not about blaming, but about resolving the cause that causes the delay in the receipt of the money.

The group of representatives will visit southern Puerto Rico on Monday.

“Frankly, we didn’t come to take pictures, we came to meet people and listen to them. Not to expose them or use them as propaganda, ”said Hoyer.

“We have had a fairly frank and honest discussion with administrators and agency heads that deal with the reconstruction of Puerto Rico to learn from them in what area they need help and when we return to Washington we can look for productive solutions. And use our power there to get the administration (of President Donald John Trump) to work together with the Government of Puerto Rico so that the funds arrive, ”said representative Nydia Velázquez.

“We are here because we have questions about the administration of the currency (of the funds) and the resources for families here in Puerto Rico,” said the representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortés.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Interior, Antonio Pabón mentioned that Ottmar Chávez (director of the Central Office of Recovery and Reconstruction (COR3) participated in the meeting; the interim secretary of Housing, Denis González; the secretary of Health, Rafael Rodríguez Mercado , the Emergency Management Commissioner, José Burgos, the director of the Puerto Rico Office in Washington, Jennifer Storipan and the resident commissioner, Jenniffer González Colón, Pabón did not give details of what is “very personal situation” that prevented the governor I could participate in the meeting.

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