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Governments of Elvia Milena Sanjuán and Ernesto Orozco begin


With God’s blessing from Monsignor Oscar Vélez Isaza, bishop of the Diocese of Valledupar, the governor of Cesar, Elvia Milena Sanjuán, and the mayor of Valledupar, Ernesto Orozco Durán, took office to begin their terms of office. government 2024-2027.

In the María Concepción Loperena square, in front of the headquarters of the Cesar Government, the new leaders received the flags that make official the beginning of their government administration. It was first received by Governor Elvia Milena Sanjuán, by the president of the Cesar Assembly, José Mario Rodríguez Barriga. Once in office, the departmental leader imposed the flag on the mayor of Valledupar.

In his first speech as president of the Vallenatos, Ernesto Orozco, assured that the task and challenge for the next four years is to restore well-being in the territory through the neat management of resources, with the democratic participation of citizens and security. to return to the good times of Valledupar, which were led by leaders such as Elías Ochoa, Adolfo Campo, among others.

“Today reality is other. We find a municipality undergoing financial restructuring, precarious tax collection, the social situation shows discouragement due to unemployment of 10.6%, the second city with the highest informality and the scandalous figures of homicides, femicides and assaults,” he said.

He recalled that Emdupar was a flagship in terms of public services and today it is intervened when it is evident that there is a risk in the provision of the service. There is a deficiency in cleanliness, electricity degrades the family economy and mobility is deficient due to lack of planning and compliance with traffic regulations.

“Added to this are the deficient health and early childhood services, our promise to fix this being our campaign slogan and fundamental axis in the government program. We have proposed to govern in a transparent way towards the community; The team is made up of a high level of men and women committed to management, who have the task of doing work together with the Government for the good of the communities.”


In turn, Elvia Milena Sanjuán, the first governor elected by popular vote in Cesar, stated that much has been done, but much remains to be done.

“The armed conflict left us with a lot of damage, there is still a historical debt that requires effort with large investments and transcendental decisions. I am certain of my abilities to govern, I know public administration and the temptations that are an unhealthy feeling that my heart does not know.”

Visibly moved, she dedicated this new rest to her son, her husband, her mother and family, ensuring the success of this challenge is possible with everyone’s participation.

He announced that he will be hand in hand with the government of President Gustavo Petro, since his support is transcendental for this region. “I call on the parliamentarians to be my allies, the deputies, councilors and mayors to advance the true Cesar revolution; also to businessmen, unions, academia, the church and Community Action Boards to build a renewed society for a dreamed development.”

Work will be done to reverse the indicators of poverty, insecurity and unemployment. Health, education, public services, housing and job creation will be intervened with large investments and the academy is responsible for this purpose. “Mr. President, you have a governor willing to work for this region; if the regions do well, you and the country will do better,” she said.

The formal event culminated with a toast and a fireworks show that announced the beginning of a new governmental era for the department of Cesar.

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