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Government: zero deficit canceled, package for “corona short-time work” put together

The government will make up to four billion available to deal with the corona crisis. A Covid 19 crisis management fund is endowed with this maximum amount, according to a draft law that was sent to the parliamentary clubs on Saturday morning and which APA is present.

The funds can be used both to stabilize health care (e.g. by purchasing equipment) and to stimulate the labor market (e.g. subsidies for short-time work), to maintain public order and to cushion loss of income (from employers and employees) as a result of the crisis and to stimulate the economy with stimulus packages.

Keep people in the company

“It is important that people stay in the company and do their jobs after the crisis can resume, “said Schramböck. Above all, they want to expand the funds for small and medium-sized enterprises, they would form “the backbone of our economy”. She also referred to a hardship fund with money for family businesses and one-person businesses.

Vice Chancellor too Werner Kogler (Greens) particularly referred to “targeted” help for Austrian companies, and “not Starbucks, but the landlord around the corner “.

What is the current supply chain? crisis a “wake up call for Europe and for the industries, “said Schramböck. There is a decision towards more autonomy Europe, also regarding the security of supply of antibiotics and penicillin, the EU commission support this strategy, so Schramböck.

Katzian: “Too many to fail”

ÖGB boss Wolfgang Katzian (SPÖ) appealed to the companies: “Don’t send the people out on the street, we need everyone and everyone after that”, which is not least important for the future purchasing power of Austrians.

Referring to the measures in the banking crisis says Katzian: “This time it is not: Too big to fail, but: Too many to fail.”

Mahrer: Track down “war profiteers”

President of the Chamber of Commerce Harald Mahrer emphasized the “completely ideology-free” negotiations with the social partners, which would have led to success within a few hours. This is “unique in the Republic”.

One would pay very close attention to whether there are possible “war profiteers” who want to stand out from the “risk community of entrepreneurs”.

High penalties for companies that do not close

Also included in the collective law is the basis for the closure of businesses during the crisis. Non-compliance is threatened with an administrative penalty of up to 30,000 euros for business owners.

Subsidies for employers are also regulated if they give parents up to three weeks’ free childcare. Here the state pays a third of the cost of the special care fee.

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