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Government, work on the program starts at Montecitorio – Politics

After the lunch break, the work of the working table convened by the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico, as part of the consultations, resumed at the Lupa di Montecitorio. Fico introduced the work and then left the meeting attended by about fifteen people: the group leaders of M5S Davide Crippa and Ettore Licheri, those of the Pd Graziano Delrio and Andrea Marcucci, for Italia Viva the group leaders Maria Elena Boschi and Davide Faraone, for Free and Equal Federico Fornaro and Loredana De Petris, for ‘Europeanists – MAIE – Democratic Center’ of the Senate, senators Raffaele Fantetti and Maurizio Buccarella, for the parliamentary group ‘For Autonomies of the Senate Albert Laniece and Gianclaudio Bressa, for CD-Maie Bruno Tabacci and Antonio Tasso. A huge table has been set up in the room to ensure distance between those present.

“From the meetings with the political forces, the common willingness to proceed with a discussion on issues and programmatic points emerged in order to reach a synthesis”, said the President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, yesterday at the end of the consultations.

The issues to be solved concern Mes and recovery, as well as issues of economy and justice.

“These are things that should not even be repeated because then they become news”. Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti, on the sidelines of an initiative by the Lazio Region, he replies to those who ask him if Giuseppe Conte and Roberto Gualtieri are firm points on the government front.

At the end of this week we will, I hope, have the new government. It will have to rise to the challenges of this period. And it must be a government of capable and deserving people. Only in this way can Italy be saved, only in this way “. Matteo Renzi writes it in his e-news.” If there hadn’t been Italia Viva – writes the leader of IV – nobody would have had this discussion. Now many have realized that ours was a fair battle on the merits, but they continue to challenge us about the method, ending up attacking me (what a novelty!), Yesterday for self-centeredness, now for my conferences abroad, tomorrow who knows what what. But never on the contents “.” There remains a bit of a bitterness in the mouth, I confess – continues the post – but at the same time I am proud of the extraordinary affection of the many of you who have understood that in this battle there is no image one to defend, but the future of the public debt to be saved. Italy is playing for the neck. And we are fighting to give quality and well-being to our children. When I think of your emails, your support, your affection, I realize that despite the attacks and threats of these days, doing politics remains a noble and full of beauty activity “, concludes Renzi.

These things must be decided NOW“, writes in his E-news about the issues on which the table on the government program in the Sala della Lupa is currently discussing.

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