The Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Álvaro Elizalde, announced this Friday that the Government will present the veto of the Usurpation Law next week and that it will propose a new “perfected” text.
“We need a law that respects a basic principle and that is that, in Chile, conflicts between individuals are not resolved through violence. This principle was not protected in the text approved by the National Congress and that is why we were very explicit in pointing out that we were going to veto this initiative to perfect and correct it,” said the authority.
The Usurpations Law project was approved by the Senate last Wednesday, August 30, and is ready to be sent to the Executive. However, the Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, was in charge of announcing that the text would be “vetoed” for including a rule that establishes the right to “privileged self-defense.”
In this regard, Elizalde reinforced today that “we are in favor of a law that lives up to what is required in the 21st century, that adequately protects those who are victims of these crimes and establishes expeditious mechanisms for the reestablishment of the rule of law. but under no circumstances a law that promotes violence between individuals.”
Finally, the minister pointed out that the Government is holding meetings, both with the opposition and the ruling party, to achieve approval of the new project.
“There is agreement, at least on the part of the ruling party, and I also believe that there are certain important sensitivities on the part of some opposition actors. So we hope that the observations of the President of the Republic will be accepted,” he concluded.