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Government war: Hybrid attack on EU’s eastern border once again highlights importance of physical security

The situation with the possible threat of Russia in Ukraine and the hybrid attack on the eastern border of the European Union (EU) against Belarus has once again made the importance of physical security aware, Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš (JV) said at a government meeting on Tuesday.

After listening to the annual report of Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs (JV) on foreign policy developments, the Prime Minister praised that the relevant authorities in Latvia had confirmed excellent co-operation on the Belarusian border, and noted that Latvia had made economic progress in recent years, including investment. According to preliminary data, about 350 million more investments were attracted last year than a year earlier.

In his address to his colleagues at the Cabinet of Ministers, Rinkēvičs noted that 2022 could be a year of both opportunities and challenges. Foreign countries have appreciated Latvia’s improvements in the financial and banking sector, but the state must help banks set up correspondent accounts with US banks. The Foreign Minister called on his colleagues to go on more frequent foreign missions to strengthen the country’s foreign relations, despite the spread of Covid-19.

The Minister also stated that in the context of security issues, it would be important to attract investment, which should be strengthened by continuing the fight against corruption and protecting investors in Latvia, as well as making the investment process as transparent as possible.

During the discussion on the Foreign Minister’s report, the Minister of Justice Jānis Bordāns (JKP) pointed out that in his opinion, the issue of banks and various types of venture capital that the state must be able to sell externally is very topical. He explained that the law on “start-up” companies is very well recognized in Latvia, in recent years there have been positive changes in the climate sector, as well as in the justice sector, which is valued internationally.

The Minister of the Interior Marija Golubeva (AP) emphasized that last year there was a very successful co-operation with the Latvian diplomatic staff in Brussels, Belgium, where Latvia had an important task to convince EU colleagues about the country’s activities on the border with Belarus. The Minister also revealed that changes to the Schengen Borders Code have also been important.

Among this year’s challenges, Golubeva mentioned respecting her international obligations while protecting her borders.

Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Artūrs Toms Plešs (AP), meanwhile, said that the previous year had been marked by very good strategic co-operation. Last year, Latvia “brought different news” to every opportunity abroad, which could make Latvia unique and interesting for foreign investors.

The Minister pointed out that there was a great interest in the digitization of languages, where Latvia has world-class technologies and which are important for Europe, because one of the basic elements of the region is to speak different languages ​​but to understand.

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