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Government wants to test first version of corona app on ‘limited scale’ at the end of May NOW

The government wants to test a first usable version of a corona app from the end of May on a “limited scale”, report the Ministry of Health and the Interior. The app should make it easier to trace contacts of corona patients.

Minister Hugo de Jonge (Public Health) announced on Wednesday that a first version of the app is expected to be ready at the end of May. He called the app a condition to relax measures regarding the coronavirus.

The app must support the GGD in carrying out the contact investigation. That study is being conducted on people who have been diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus. The idea is that an app can make it easier to warn people who have been around the victim.

The government is currently looking with experts at the source code of other apps, including those presented in mid-April. The cabinet eventually decided that none of the seven apps met the conditions.

It is still unclear to what extent the GGD needs a corona app. A package of requirements was submitted to the Ministry of Health two weeks ago, but the Ministry has not yet made this public.

The cabinet announced on Wednesday that a number of measures will be taken from 1 June relaxed is becoming. From that moment on everyone with complaints should be able to be tested. Anyone who is tested positive must be kept at home for two weeks together with housemates.

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