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Government Scandal: Grant Scheme for Photovoltaics with Batteries Violates National Assembly Decision

New week – new “Change” scam! And she, like nothing, can reverse the course of the vote of no confidence in the “Denkov” cabinet, which must be voted on next week!

A Council of Ministers has launched a grant scheme for photovoltaics with batteries under the Recovery and Resilience Plan, despite a decision by the National Assembly to prohibit this.

GERB leader Boyko Borisov announced the fraud during his meeting with the asset in Pleven, and minutes later the chairman of the Energy Commission in the National Assembly, Delyan Dobrev, clarified what exactly it was about.

“The Council of Ministers yesterday launched a grant scheme for photovoltaics with batteries under the PVU. This is something that the National Assembly prohibited by a deliberate decision earlier this year.

They will give BGN 265,372,950 to their companies as the first phase. Together with the remaining phases, they will distribute BGN 662,432,375 for photovoltaics and batteries.

And under the condition that this sector is profitable enough without support! Moreover, according to the criteria, only companies with assets of over 60 million euros for the last year can apply. That is, they could also write the names of the companies in the invitation.

There is no more brazen and pretentious scheme. Apparently, the list of territorial plans will be supplemented by other companies from Pepei”, explained Dobrev.

The ad was quietly posted on Friday night at 8:56 p.m. “In a dark age – that’s how we work transparently. Congratulations on our change!” added the GERB deputy.

“If this is true, they should explain it at the vote. We will not put our signatures to such theft. I am turning to the PP, I turn to the government – I hope this is not true. If by chance they are mistaken again, like the last road with the indicative list, to quickly scratch there and fix it. That’s what I can tell them,” warned Borisov from Pleven.

“Mathematics is the most important thing in politics. When you are facing a vote of confidence, you must be able to count, as Churchill said. I call on my colleagues from the PP that it must be counted soon, they need 121 MPs,” the leader waved his finger of GERD.

In the procedure for “Supporting new capacities for the production of electricity from renewable sources and electricity storage” of the Council of Ministers, it is stated that the purpose of the investment is to contribute to Bulgaria’s goal of increasing the share of clean energy in its energy mix to achieve of climate neutrality by supporting the installation of new renewable electricity generation capacity together with electricity storage through a technology-neutral competitive bidding process between different technologies. The aim of the scheme is to contribute to Bulgaria’s goal of increasing the share of clean energy in its energy mix towards climate neutrality by supporting the installation of new renewable electricity generation capacity together with electricity storage.

The scheme consists of installing and commissioning at least 1,425 MW of renewable electricity generation capacity (solar and wind) with at least 350 MW of co-located storage systems.

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2023-10-08 09:37:30

#LARGE #SCANDAL #BILLION #GERB #blew #scam #Change #Borisov #threatened #cabinet #Delyan #Dobrev.. #PIK #Information #Agency

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