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Government reshuffle, discussion with Trump … Joachim Son-Forget pretended to be Macron on Twitter

Joachim Son-Forget pretended to be Emmanuel Macron on Twitter. – Twitter screenshot

Joachim Son-Forget has been talked about again
on social media. The deputy of French nationals abroad, who left La République en Marche at the end of 2018, had fun usurping the identity of
Emmanuel Macron on Twitter. On the evening of Saturday, April 18, the parliamentarian’s account took on the appearance of the official account of the President of the Republic: same profile photo, same description, same banner image. A proper usurpation of identity …

For a few minutes, Joachim Son-Forget then multiplied the tweets under his false identity, announcing a government reshuffle or a discussion with
President Donald Trump.

“Alexandre Benalla is appointed Director General of External Security”

Accustomed to controversies and slippages of all kinds, the deputy was pleased to tweet, on behalf of the head of state, information all as far-fetched as each other. “The best of mine will protect us from tomorrow: Alexandre Benalla is appointed director general of external security. Stay the course, Alexandre! “,” I decided to name
Christophe Castaner French ambassador to China. Xie xie! “Or” I just spoke with Donald Trump. We fully agree. The Chinese must stop taking us for hams with their pangolin story, ”one could read.

The false account of the President of the Republic also announced a government reshuffle: “Here is the renewal that will take place tomorrow and will be announced: porte parolat Cyril Hanouna/ Booba culture / health Joachim Son-Forget / defense Yannick Jadot / foreign affairs Marine Le Pen “, also tweeted Joachim Son Forget.

” Sorry for the inconvenience “

Messages that have obviously been extensively commented on social networks, the hashtag #Joachim ranking at the top of trending topics on Twitter. The MP quickly reacted in the evening, evoking in a message published under his true identity, the theft of his mobile phone in order to justify hacking his account. “I was finally able to recover the phone which had been inadvertently stolen from me and probably led to the actions of a third party and momentary
on Twitter. Sorry for the inconvenience to all my friends and former LREM fellow travelers who may have felt upset, ”he wrote.

Explanations deemed unconvincing by many Internet users who accused the MP ” digital identity theft “, An offense punishable by one year imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.

The parliamentarian is not in his first controversy on social networks. Constantly coasting on Twitter since his departure from the LREM group, he had been one of the first in mid-February to post on the social network a link to the compromising videos of Benjamin Griveaux.

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