Home » today » News » Government renews quarantines for 63 communes in the country and decrees sanitary cord for Coronel and Lota

Government renews quarantines for 63 communes in the country and decrees sanitary cord for Coronel and Lota

On Wednesday morning, the authorities of the Ministry of Health carried out a new balance regarding the advance of the Covid-19 pandemic that is currently affecting the country, in which a new drop in the number of daily infections was announced.

As every Wednesday, the determinations for the sanitary measures that have been decreed in the areas most affected by the coronavirus, such as sanitary cords, sanitary customs or quarantines, were also announced.

In this regard, the Minister of Health Enrique Paris, He reported that quarantine will be maintained for the 63 communes in the country where the determination is currently in force.

The only modification announced by Paris corresponds to the communes of Coronel y Lota, in the Biobío Region, communes in which they will govern sanitary cords from this Friday at 22.00.

In this way, the 63 localities that will remain in confinement are:

Tarapacá region

  • Almonte well (urban area)
  • Iquique
  • Alto Hospicio

Antofagasta region

  • Calama
  • Antofagasta
  • Tocopilla
  • Mussels

Valparaíso Region

  • San Felipe
  • The Andes
  • Valparaiso
  • Viña del Mar
  • Saint Anthony
  • Quillota

Metropolitan region

  • The 32 communes of the province of Santiago
  • Peñaflor (urban area)
  • Melipilla (urban area)
  • Curacaví (urban area)
  • To To (zona urban)
  • San José de Maipo (urban area)
  • High Bridge
  • Saint Bernard
  • Father Hurtado
  • Done
  • Lamp
  • Hill
  • The mountain
  • Talagante
  • Tango Calera

O’Higgins Region

Maule region

After the balance, the authorities answered questions from the press, at which time they were asked about the new measures.

Asked if they can re-enact dynamic quarantines, given the reduction in cases in some regions, Paris indicated that “The general comments regarding the epidemiological report speak of the fact that we already have a decrease of 18% of new cases in the last seven days, and a decrease of 19% of new cases in the last 14 days, that is, a decrease close to 20% of new cases in the last days of the pandemic. “

He later argued that “The strategy of quarantining or removing quarantined regions or communes is taken under strict measures and under a very strict criterion that takes into account several reasons, and is never done by a single person. It is a crisis committee, where there are several ministers, both undersecretaries, experts in public health, epidemiology and data to make those decisions. Decisions are mainly made on Wednesdays or Sundays and obviously we will be informing as we have those changes ”.

Check the quarantine maps in the Metropolitan Region and Valparaíso Region below:

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