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Government Regulations on Exporters’ Dollar Parking: No More Fines

Arrijal Rachman, CNBC Indonesia


Monday, 14/08/2023 22:00 WIB

Photo: Export-Import Illustration (CNBC Indonesia/ Tri Susilo)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The government is open-minded no longer wanting to impose fines on unruly exporters who are reluctant to park their export dollars, after the enactment of Government Regulation Number 36 of 2023 from August 1, 2023.

Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Susiwijono Moegiarso said, this was because the spirit of implementing PP 36/2023 was to oblige exporters, especially exporters of natural resources (SDA) and their derivatives or processing them to comply with parking their export proceeds (DHE) into the Indonesian financial system.

“The issue is not fines, the matter is actually a matter of compliance with the obligations of exporters related to export activities, so indeed sanctions everywhere are related to the problem of export services,” said Susiwijono when met at his office, Jakarta, Monday (14/8/2023) .

Therefore, in PP 36/2023 and also its derivative regulations regarding DHE sanctions in Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 73 of 2023, only administrative sanctions are imposed in the form of suspension of export services. This means that exporters who do not comply with DHE provisions will not be provided with export services.

Head of the Export Sub-Directorate of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance Pantjoro Agoeng also confirmed this. So in the future Customs and Excise will no longer record the amount of fines imposed on exporters who violate DHE provisions.

“PP 36 is a sanction that there are no fines, but only blocking. However, previously there were fines in PP 1/2019,” he emphasized on the same occasion.

Since PP 1/2019 came into force until before PP 36/2023 came into effect, the DJBC of the Ministry of Finance noted that at least the value of fines imposed on exporters who did not comply with DHE provisions reached IDR 56 billion. Those who have just settled the fine are as much as Rp. 22 billion, while the rest in the context of billing is still being carried out by the State Assets and Auction Service Office (KPKNL).

“For blocking according to our data for PP 1/2019 there are 221 companies that have been blocked, but 131 have been opened, 90 companies are still in a blocked position. However, we certainly don’t convey here which companies,” he said.

“For which sector has the most, the average is actually all, but the most is in mining and plantations,” said Agung.

For information, in PMK 135 of 2021, the application of fines is contained in article 8. It reads that sanctions are given to exporters who do not place DHE SDA into a DHE SDA Special Account within a certain period of time.

Exporters are subject to a levy in the form of a fine of 0.5% of the value of DHE SDA that has not been placed into the DHE SDA Special Account. Then, a fine of 0.25% is also imposed from the DHE SDA value used from the special DHE SDA account for payments outside the provisions.

Meanwhile, in PMK 73 of 2023 the only sanctions imposed are administrative sanctions as specifically stipulated in Chapter V of the PMK. Sri Mulyani stipulated that the rules for imposing sanctions began with regulations on the oversight mechanism which were alluded to in article 5 for Bank Indonesia and article 6 for OJK.

The results of BI’s supervision of the obligation to enter into the DHE SDA Special Account and the placement of DHE SDA in the DHE SDA placement instrument will become the basis for the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Ministry of Finance, to impose administrative sanctions in the form of suspension of export services.

For OJK, the results of its supervision of the obligation to create or transfer an escrow account will become the basis for the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance to impose administrative sanctions in the form of Suspension of Export Services.

Furthermore, DGCE will impose administrative sanctions in the form of suspension of export services in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations regarding customs.

This will be carried out through an integrated information system, but if there is interference, it can be switched to other media electronically.

Watch the video below:

Video: Jokowi’s Maneuver for DHE Parking Exporters in RI


2023-08-14 15:00:00
#Exporters #Averse #Dollars #Longer #Subject #Fines #Heres #Reason

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