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Government: on Wednesday the trust trust first in the Senate. Conte: “Now the decision is up to Draghi” – Politics

The communications of the Prime Minister and the subsequent debate on trust with the vote will start from Palazzo Madama. This is the result of the agreement between the presidents of the Senate Elisabetta Casellati and the Roberto Fico chamber.

Inside the M5s the showdown is endless, with the leaders of the group in the House in revolt and the risk of splitting at the gates. Giuseppe Conte does not hide it and launches an ultimatum: “If someone believes they cannot share such a shared and shared path – he says – make their choice freely, clearly, immediately and without ambiguity”. Times are tight: “There is a night to think about it – says Conte at the top of the group in the House – decisions that go in the direction of a different perspective are declared in time, out of fairness to everyone”. The president of the M5s, meanwhile, is waiting for signals from Palazzo Chigi on the nine requests of the Movement for the government program: “Now the decision is not up to us, but to Draghi”, he said closing the meeting with the parliamentarians. For the leader, the premier will have to assess the conditions and decide the perimeter of the dialogue: there is time until Wednesday, when confidence in the government will be voted. “The attitude of responsibility – says Conte – requires us to ask President Draghi that the priorities we have indicated be placed on the government agenda”. In the meantime, however, the president of the M5s fears the encirclement: those close to him read the moves of the other parties, both center-left and center-right, as a plan to relegate him to the margins.

The assembly of the parliamentary groups of the M5s was a marathon via zoom, an endurance race lasting almost three days in a row. The abacus counted about twenty interventions by those who want to confirm support for Draghi. A leading exponent of the M5s, the group leader at Montecitorio Davide Crippa, made it his spokesman: “It is not clear why we should not vote for trust”. The position of the Contiani was instead summed up by deputy Vittoria Baldino: Draghi’s resignation was a “broken” reaction, which should be read as “an invitation to the door”.

In the chaos of declarations and maneuvers, voices and symptoms chase each other. The first relate to a collection of signatures in progress on a document of the “governors” ready to leave the M5s: the numbers dance, there are those who multiply by two the figure of the twenty who spoke clearly in favor of Draghi. But the definitive count is not there, also because, for now, Conte has not said a definitive word on the position that the M5s will hold at the moment of trust.

‘We ask for stability for the country, stability that cannot be achieved with the M5s in government. The solution is either a Draghi government without 5s or you go to vote, “said the FI coordinator Antonio Tajani on the sidelines of the meeting with Silvio Berlusconi.
“Appeals, second thoughts, supplications and twists: for fear of being defeated, the left is willing to do anything to prevent a return to the vote. They can escape as much as they want, the day will soon come when they will have to deal with the judgment of the Italians. “So on Facebook the leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni.

“Enough with the unworthy theater of 5Stelle and PD which, as explained Thursday by President Mario Draghi, has undermined the ‘pact of trust’ on which this government was born. Parliament is now completely delegitimized: relying on defectors and ballerina majorities does not guarantee stability and is in contrast with what is explicitly desired by the premier who does not want to change the forces that support him in the race. At this point, we give the Italians the opportunity to choose a new Parliament that will finally, and for five years, take care of the work, safety and health of Italians, other than free drugs, Ius Soli or Ddl Zan “. Thus the deputy secretary of the League , Lorenzo Fontana.

“We are in the farce. Now Pd and M5s are asking Draghi to communicate first to the Chamber and then to the Senate only because Conte is weaker in the Chamber. Shameful games that go against the practice that wants communications from the Prime Minister to be made in the chamber of first trust or where the crisis was generated. In both cases, therefore, to the Senate. The Italians deserve respect, seriousness and certainty “. Thus the group leaders of the Chamber and Senate of the Lega Riccardo Molinari and Massimiliano Romeo.

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