One of her colleagues at the Single Window for Asylum Requests was given 18 months in prison, 14 of which were suspended, for three interventions that she had admitted.
The two agents, who were removed, are also permanently banned from holding public office.
The court sentenced the asylum seekers, mainly Turkish, to sentences ranging from two to six months in prison, who had resorted to Abdalla Ibrahim, the corrupt official who did not fail to “exert pressure to obtain the payment” for his services, noted the court.
The judges highlighted “the context of precariousness of the applicants” for not pronouncing the prison sentences required by the prosecution against these beneficiaries of the fraud.
At the hearing in December, Mr. Ibrahim, a 55-year-old Franco-Syrian, admitted having received 9,000 euros, “either by doing something or by making people believe that I was doing something.”
45 situations
According to the prosecution, he intervened in 45 situations, causing applicants to escape the “Dublin” ax, a procedure consisting of returning the examination of an asylum application to the country where the foreigner was registered upon entry into the country. European territory.
By benefiting from a traditional asylum application, foreigners obtained a certificate authorizing a regular temporary stay while the file was examined.
To achieve this, Mr. Ibrahim did not record the applicant’s fingerprints in the Eurodac database where they were already present, or caused a positive response to disappear from Visabio, the system for processing visas granted by European countries.
Abdalla Ibrahim was in very frequent contact with Filis Tunc, president of the association “The House of the Kurdish People”, who, according to the court, had “established a real collaboration with the official”.
2024-02-13 04:29:16
#official #BouchesduRhône #prefecture #convicted #corruption