Home » today » World » Government of National Unity against Zelensky: Revealed spy told about Western plans – 2024-02-19 19:45:47

Government of National Unity against Zelensky: Revealed spy told about Western plans – 2024-02-19 19:45:47

/ world today news/ London and Washington came up with another trick to force Ukraine to last longer in the war with Russia. But the Russians needn’t worry: it won’t work.

Very important information was recently received from Kiev, which was largely ignored in Russia. Even many media ignored her. They were probably confused by the source of this information – the expelled deputy from the Verkhovna Rada (from the pro-presidential party “Servant of the People”) Alexander Dubinsky, who is in pre-trial detention on charges of treason. He is suspected of being a spy for Russia ( SBU entertains in the style of pranksters Vovan and Lexus : this is, they say, a GRU agent with the pseudonym “Pinocchio”).

Indeed, this famous Ukrainian MP, journalist, TV presenter, blogger and YouTuber has a scandalous reputation. But that’s only because he’s the type of person who finds it psychologically difficult, almost impossible, to keep his mouth shut.

And he, as a very informed person, was always in a hurry to be the first to share with the general public the secrets that became known to him, including those for which in Ukraine you can easily lose your life. What else could happen to Dubinsky because he knows too much.

It was smooth on paper…”

Therefore, I took seriously the information that appeared the other day on his Telegram channel: Office of the President of Ukraine ” is preparing to establish a government of “national unity”. To achieve this goal, in Dubinski’s opinion, a bomb is being planted under Prime Minister Denis Shmigal in the form of a “protocol” of the National Anti-Corruption Agency /NAPK/. The replacement of the Prime Minister will create “auction field both inside and outside Ukraine”, the ex-deputy announced.

Dubinsky even provided details that leave no doubt about the authenticity of this information. For example, on January 11, a protocol was drawn up against Shmigal for illegal disclosure of information obtained in the course of official duties.

According to the NAPK, the Prime Minister received information about corruption from an official of the Gambling Regulatory Commission and ordered the situation to be investigated, instead of simply taking it for granted and letting the competent authorities do their job.

The former parliamentarian also informed about the beginning of the collection of signatures from members of the Rada for the resignation of the Speaker of the Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk. This will be done when Zelensky’s office requests it.

Well, that makes perfect sense. The government of national unity will require the participation of prominent opposition politicians who will not settle for secondary posts…


Why does the government need this? Primarily for two reasons. Dubinsky directly names one of them and hints at the other.

First , presidential elections were to be held in Ukraine in March, followed by parliamentary elections in the second half of the year. And under the pretext of military action, both elections were canceled, which the opposition happily accepted.

Because they need President Volodymyr Zelensky precisely as a “scapegoat” on whom they can throw everything. They don’t need tickets/invitations to his Titanic to share the responsibility of running a country that has been reduced to a beggar’s stick. They want to take the stage when the acting president finally burns out: either run away or be led handcuffed (alternatively, carried feet first) backstage.

However, in the West they are already saying that Zelensky, who did not live up to his hopes with the “counter-offensive”, is not only a loser, but also a dictator. The emergence of a government of national unity will partly silence these talks and improve Kyiv’s image by giving it new “legitimacy”.

Second to avoid total military defeat, Ukraine will have to dramatically increase the size of Ukraine’s armed forces through relentless mobilization (including at the expense of the sick and women), from which only the rich will be able to get away with paying.

Dubinsky knows: everyone in power “they have already agreed that the mobilization will be massive and firm”. It is clear that Zelensky does not want only him to be considered the butcher of Ukraine, while any Tymoshenkos and Poroshenkos there remain relatively white and fluffy.

Where is the key to what is happening?

What else is interesting about Dubinsky’s revelations? With the fact that it indirectly indicates the two driving forces of the Ukrainian war – Great Britain and the USA, which even now want it to continue, since the idea of ​​creating a government of national unity in Kiev belongs precisely to them.

When times get tough, that’s exactly what the Anglo-Saxons do. In the United States, such a government emerged during the severe Civil War (1861–1865), the most severe trial this country experienced.

In Great Britain during the Second World War, when the question of the surrender of Germany arose, which England fought for almost two years without powerful allies, only with the forces of its empire, a coalition government was also created.

The Conservative Winston Churchill, for example, dealt with the war and related international politics, while the Labor leader Clement Attlee, who became his deputy, dealt with domestic affairs, economic and social problems.

It worked in Britain (especially in the past, it was possible; both competing politicians worked loyally and amicably, as patriots of their country). And it also made it possible, at the end of the won war, to replace Churchill (who, despite the victory, was too closely associated with the war in the eyes of people tired of blood and deprivation and wanted to continue fighting to preserve the British Empire) with his flexible and a less ambitious substitute. Churchill, the victor, lost the election in 1945, only to later become prime minister again.

It is clear that the Anglo-Saxons would like to see something similar now in Kiev. Namely: Ukrainian leaders to be united and fight together with Russia. In addition, they would watch each other to steal less and “bring” for this to their Western masters, who for internal political reasons increasingly find it difficult to tolerate this.

So what?

However, in Ukraine, with its lack of political culture, corruption and internal feuds and even vendettas, in the conditions of strong rivalry between the protégés of the USA and Great Britain, whose views on Ukraine are far from always completely coincident, this Anglo-Saxon idea is unlikely to it worked.

Zelensky will see in this the beginning of the transfer of power that so enriches him and his circle. As long as these people are presidents, speakers, ministers and government officials, the responsibility for the Ukrainian disaster will not be placed on them. They still hope in vain to get away if Russia suddenly shows weakness.

And they, of course, will not want to let their political and other enemies to the “feeder” for billions of dollars and euros, and will in every way sabotage the wishes and even the demands of Western patrons and sponsors in this regard.

As for the opposition, as noted above, it now does not want to take responsibility for the country that Zelensky and Co. completely ruined, try to solve intractable problems or lose popularity and supporters.

It will be much more convenient for its leaders to claim power in some “remnant” Ukraine, which may one day even be accepted into the EU. And so that at the same time Zelensky could lie in prison, for example, because he was mired in corruption and ruined the great country. We can put an end to that for now.

Translation: ES

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