Home » today » Health » Government of Jalisco Announces New Containment Measures for Covid-19; Non-essential activities will end at 7pm and will be limited to weekends

Government of Jalisco Announces New Containment Measures for Covid-19; Non-essential activities will end at 7pm and will be limited to weekends

With the aim of breaking the chain of infections and establishing favorable conditions for returning to classes in January 2021, as well as maintaining the balance between health protection and economic activity, the Governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, announced this Monday containment measures against COVID-19, which implies the closure of non-essential activities at 7 pm; as well as the closing of squares and shopping centers on weekends, and the prohibition of end-of-year parties, among others.

The measures, which were proposed to the economic reactivation table by the health table, begin on December 25 and end on January 10 of next year.

“As we have always done in Jalisco, take preventive measures on days when economic activity also drops. It is the most appropriate time to lower the intensity and prepare for the start of the year, we already have a new decreasing trend in the number of infections. The health table has made the decision to implement new containment measures to have better conditions to be able to analyze the possibility of going back to school, “emphasized the Jalisco president at the health table.

The new guidelines to prevent the spread of the coronavirus will be focused on the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG) and Puerto Vallarta.

For the AMG it was determined that self-service stores, department stores, squares and shopping centers, shops in general, gyms, commercial corridors, event rooms, clubs, restaurants, food stalls, bars and clubs, end their activities at 07: 00 pm. After this time the restaurants must work behind closed doors and there will only be take away service.

During the weekend the shopping centers, plazas and corridors and flea markets will remain closed.

In addition, the suspension was determined, during the entire period of event rooms, open and closed, and of the New Year’s parties in hotels, restaurants, bars and clubs.

The activities that will be able to operate normally are hospital services and medical equipment, pharmacies, clinics, laboratories, veterinarians, convenience store and neighborhood commerce.

The industry, its logistics operation, the production of basic and perishable foods, as well as public and private security services, civil protection, basic services (water, electricity, energy, telecommunications), and postal and courier services, will operate in a normal way.

Also gas stations, funeral services, public markets, adjusters, taxi and platform services, public transport, parks, urban forests and Vía RecreActiva, may operate normally.
In Puerto Vallarta, both tables determined only the closure of clubs and bars from December 25 to January 10, while the New Year’s parties in hotels, lounges and event terraces remain suspended.
Regarding social activities, it was determined that only meetings with a maximum capacity of 10 people can be held, with the recommendation that attendees be a maximum of three different dwellings (three family units).
Citizens are also asked to minimize meetings in the social sphere (work celebrations, former students, companies, among others) and not go to any family or social gathering those people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are still in period of transmissibility; have symptoms of COVID-19; or are waiting for the results of the coronavirus diagnostic test; or they may have been exposed to someone with coronavirus in the past 14 days.

Festivities such as patron saint festivities and pilgrimages, the absent son party, street parties, fairs or kermesse are suspended, as is the burning of pyrotechnics in public squares or temples, bonfires in public spaces and homes.

The photo booths with the three wise men, jaripeos, charreadas, cockfights or bullfights are also suspended from December 25 to January 10.

Permissions for social events are also restricted (weddings, fifteen years, baptisms, birthdays, New Year’s festivities, etc.).

For religious and worship events, the capacity is restricted to 25 percent and the disinfection of the premises must be guaranteed after each celebration; Choirs and songs, as well as dancing groups and any manifestation that gathers people, are suspended.

Health authorities call on the population to follow prevention measures such as going out only when necessary, avoiding closed, crowded places with little ventilation; use a suitable mask (covering the nose and mouth) and wash hands frequently with soap and water or use alcoholic gel.

In order not to affect the population, the public transport service will continue to function normally, but with the corresponding sanitary measures, so the health authorities call on the population to comply with the use of face masks during all tours, and use of gel, among other preventive measures.

Alfaro Ramírez explained that the current hospital situation, which for the first time exceeds 32 percent by positioning itself at 33.2, the positivity and increase in new cases make these actions necessary.

“We established a few weeks ago, after the Emergency Button, that the indicator that would allow us to make the following decisions would be the hospital occupancy, of course we managed to maintain the pace of reactivation and never, until today, 33.2 percent of hospital occupancy was exceeded, ”explained the Governor.

“In the time that we have ahead of us to face the virus, while the entire vaccination process in our State can be completed, we will have to carry out an exercise of loosening and tightening when necessary, and we believe that at this time it is essential , to prevent the pandemic from spilling over in Jalisco, and above all, to create conditions so that on January 11, as we agreed, we will be reviewing the possibility of a gradual return to face-to-face activity in the education sector, we need to take measures from the December 25, and that we can also take pressure off the hospital occupation that may not be compromised in a significant or worrying way, but it is also true, they have not explained it, the level of fatigue, saturation and overload that it has our medical staff, ”added Alfaro Ramírez.

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