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Government of Castilla-La Mancha Increases Aid for Textbooks and Dining Room for Next School Year

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha increases aid for textbooks and dining room for the next school year

The second vice president, José Manuel Caballero, has visited the works of the Integrated Vocational Training Center at the IES ‘Universidad Laboral’, located in Albacete, where he has highlighted that more and more students are opting for FP, as well as the increase in investment of the regional government in the same and the growth of educational offer with 36 new cycles and six new specialization courses in Castilla-La Mancha.

Caballero took advantage of his visit to Albacete to wish the Albacete player Alba Redondo success and the entire team of the National Women’s Soccer Team ahead of the World Cup final that they will play on Sunday and to recognize the increase in support and growth of the sport feminine, which represents a further step towards equality.

Bailiff, August 18, 2023-. The second vice president of Castilla-La Mancha, José Manuel Caballero, has highlighted the increase in aid for textbooks and dining room derived from an increase in the budget “as a clear commitment of the Government of Emiliano García-Page to guarantee equal access for all boys and girls in our region to education”.

Caballero has highlighted that they have received more than 100,000 aid applications for textbooks and more than 36,000 for school canteen aid. In both cases, it represents an increase with respect to the previous course. The regional Executive will allocate 16.7 million euros during this academic year to finance these two aid programs, which represents an increase of 1.2 million with respect to the 2022/2023 academic year.

During the visit to the works of the Integrated Vocational Training Center of the Labor University Institute of Albacete, Caballero has influenced the increase of students in the region who opt for this alternative as training as well as their high degree of labor insertion in the cycles launched in Castilla-La Mancha, which have gone from 30,000 to 43,000 students. In this sense, he has highlighted the increase in investment by the regional government.

With the growth of the training offer, this course will launch 36 new cycles and six new specialization courses. The second vice president of the regional Executive has highlighted that “the demonstration of the quality of Vocational Training in Castilla-La Mancha materializes in its total adaptation to the current demands of the sector, in its high labor insertion and in the reduction of the rate of school dropout”.

In addition, José Manuel Caballero has toured the facilities of the center, which will soon celebrate its 50th anniversary. He has been able to verify the state of the construction works of an integrated FP center, beginning with the necessary spaces for the Automotive cycles. This is one of the commitments of President Emiliano García-Page, as the second vice-president has stressed, and it is the second center of its kind in the city. Since 2020, the IES ‘Universidad Laboral’ has undergone improvements carried out directly by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, reflecting the political will to continue betting on this Secondary and Vocational Training center.

Thus, since García-Page governed the region, investments have been made in this center for a total of 819,400 euros, through REACT funds (European funds), rehabilitation and reform works (RAM), adaptation of spaces during the pandemic of COVID-19 and other extraordinary actions. The objective of all of them has been to provide the students and the whole of the Autonomous Community of the center with the best educational guarantees, being a clear commitment to quality education, at the forefront of the labor market, satisfying business demand and improving the qualification of their students.

Lastly, taking advantage of his visit to Albacete, the second vice-president of the regional government wanted to wish success to the Albacete player Alba Redondo as well as to her teammates from the National Women’s Soccer Team ahead of the World Cup final that they will play next Sunday. In this regard, he has wanted them to return “with a star on the shirt”. Caballero has valued the great role they are developing and the benchmark they represent for girls and for the whole of society. In this sense, he has influenced the regional government’s commitment to women’s sport as a fundamental piece to move towards equality.

2023-08-19 13:03:53
#Government #CastillaLa #Mancha #increases #aid #textbooks #dining #room #school #year

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