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Government Obliged to Make Legal Umbrellas about Corona Vaccines

WE Online, Jakarta

Legal observer from Padjadjaran University, Dea Tunggaesti, said that Indonesia should be proud because it is ready and plays an important role in making vaccines against Covid-19, but matters related to the distribution regulations for the Covid-19 vaccine must also be considered.

“While the research and manufacturing process is underway, the relevant ministries should start preparing to prepare regulations regarding the distribution and criteria for this vaccine target. With a clear legal umbrella, it will minimize legal problems going forward,” he said, in a written statement, in Jakarta, Thursday. .

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According to him, all parties are encouraged to produce effective vaccines to fight Covid-19, then it is the government’s duty to ensure that all citizens can obtain it easily and at the same time guarantee the authenticity of the product.

“I heard that the government will buy the vaccine, then distribute it free of charge to the public. If this plan is implemented, of course it will be great. We have to support it,” said this doctor of law from Padjadjaran University.

If it is made free, there will be no more issue about the cost that must be paid by residents to get the vaccine, but only matters of distribution.

“We have to start thinking about this distribution issue. So as not to cause new chaos and uproar in the community. Because, at first, surely the number of vaccines cannot be as many as the Indonesian people. Like it or not, priorities must be made,” he said.

The government, he continued, must pay attention to the legal protection of this vaccine, so that there are no loopholes for evil hands in monopolizing the stock and market.

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