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Government Meeting on Security at Football Matches: Follow-up to Disturbances in Elite Football

Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer and Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed are gathering central actors today for a meeting on security at football matches. The background is the serious disturbances that occurred in connection with events mainly within elite football. The meeting is a follow-up to the meeting held in June this year.

After extensive disturbances in connection with a derby in Stockholm at the end of May, Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer and Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed called representatives of the Swedish Football Association, Swedish Elite Soccer, National Sports Federation, the Police Authority and the Prosecutor’s Office to a meeting. During the meeting, it was discussed which measures were needed to reduce the violence in the stands.

At the meeting, it was decided that a follow-up meeting would be held later in the year. There have also been several serious disturbances in elite football during the autumn, which show the need for further measures to strengthen security at football matches.

The government is therefore gathering central actors today for a follow-up meeting to discuss security at football matches. The purpose of the meeting is to highlight the measures that have been taken during the year and that are planned in the future to strengthen security and prevent disturbances at football matches.

The meeting will be attended by representatives of the Police Authority, the Prosecutor’s Office, the National Sports Confederation, the Swedish Football Association, Swedish Elite Football, Stockholm Live and the Swedish Football Supporters’ Union, among others.

For more information and possible interview requests, contact the respective press secretary.

2023-12-12 07:00:26
#Minister #Justice #Gunnar #Strömmer #Minister #Social #Affairs #Jakob #Forssmed #hold #followup #meeting #security #football #matches

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