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Government, exploratory mandate to Fico. He reports on Tuesday. Mattarella: ‘Italy in emergency, immediate measures are needed’ – Politics

Exploratory assignment to Roberto Fico who will report to Colle on Tuesday. It is the result of the round of consultations of the head of state which ended after the opening of the crisis by Iv and the resignation of President Conte. “I thank the President of the Republic for the trust”. He gave me an exploratory assignment “aimed at verifying the prospect of a parliamentary majority starting from the groups that supported the previous government“, said the Speaker of the House after the interview with President Sergio Mattarella.” In the next few days I will be engaged in confrontation with the exponents of these political forces. The moment is very delicate for the country, we are called to face it with the utmost responsibility to give urgent answers that citizens are waiting for “.

The consultations of the president of the Fico Chamber they will start this afternoon. The calendar will be announced this morning.

The country’s emergencies – said Mattarella before the convening of the Speaker of the House at the end of the third day of consultations – “can only be met through the rapid and effective use of the large resources prepared by the EU. As is evident, the three health, social and economic emergencies require immediate government measures “.“It is a duty – said the head of state – soon to give life to a government with adequate parliamentary support “at such a decisive moment”. “The prospect of a political majority made up of the groups that supported the previous government. This possibility must also be strictly verified “, said the head of state.


The chronicle of the third and last day of consultations at the Colle. The united center-right and the M5s delegation were in conversation with the head of state. M5s does not close the hypothesis of a new government even with IV (“starting from the current majority”) as long as it is led by Giuseppe Conte. Italia Viva applauds: “We leave the internal dynamics of the M5s to them. We asked yesterday that there be a clear attitude of the other majority parties towards us for a serious political majority. It seems to me that the answer was consistent: we will check the next steps“, says Ettore Rosato, president of IV, after the opening of the M5s delegation.” Then we – we want to be clear – we said that we have to discuss the contents because the government has fallen on the inability to do things. It cannot be said that everything went well. If we confront ourselves very frankly, a stronger government than before can be born. “But the opening of the political leader creates the reaction of some M5s exponents starting with Alessandro Di Battista: “I note that today the line has changed. I haven’t changed my mind. Going back to sit with Renzi means committing a great political mistake and I would say historical. It means putting yourself back in the hands of a professional “stabber” who, feeling even more powerful than before, will increase the number of stab wounds. I’ve always thought so and I think so even now. If the Movement were to return to the previous line, I am there. Otherwise goodbye and thanks“.” I hope that the M5s will find an internal synthesis “, is Rosato’s comment on the subject. Barbara Lezzi also goes on the attack: “The position of the M5s on Renzi” is a sudden change of line which, to be legitimized, must be followed by a vote by the members. The two governments formed since 2018 have seen the vote of our members as central. Also in this case it is necessary “. Lezzi comments on a tweet of the deputy Emilio Carelli who said:” The M5s has defined the line for the Colle: no to vetoes on Italia Viva, but ahead with Giuseppe Conte “.

The location of M5s –Can we accept that there are vetoes or personalities? Or is it the moment of responsibility and to take a step forward and do it all together? “. This was stated by the political leader of M5s Vito Crimi, at the end of the talks with President Mattarella at the Quirinale.” We made our availability to President Mattarella. to a confrontation with those who have the country’s interest at heart, for a political government starting from the current “majority forces” “but with a legislative pact. The only person capable of presiding over this government, for the M5S is Giuseppe Conte”. “This morning – he said – I found a message from a mayor on my mobile phone, not a message.” Hello Vito as mayor of a small mountain town, which was hit by an earthquake, I struggle to understand what is happening. We do not deserve what we are experiencing, we need to be satisfied, to roll up our sleeves and work, we need a new course. Only by working seriously can we get up. There is an Italy full of energy that wants to work “. Words, those of Crimi, which unleashed the wrath of Alessandro Di Battista. “I acknowledge that today the line has changed. I have not changed my opinion. Going back to sit with Renzi means committing a great political mistake and I would say historical. It means putting yourself back in the hands of a professional” stabber “who, feeling even more powerful than before, the number of stab wounds will increase. I have always thought so and I think so even now. If the Movement were to return to the previous line, I am here. Otherwise, goodbye and thank you “.

The center-right joined to the Colle – “We have expressed concern – said Matteo Salvini – about this incapable government: we need a quick solution. We have re-proposed the request for elections to the President. So a government with a cohesive program and a solid majority. Full willingness to collaborate on measures useful to Italians. No to support of this majority “.

“To the President of the Republic – Salvini explained – it was therefore confirmed our request to consider the hypothesis of dissolution of the Chambers and the use of elections. The center-right hopes that Italians will thus be offered the possibility of giving life in a short time to a cohesive government with a common program shared by the voters and with a strong majority to face the nation’s serious problems in a short time. “” The unitary delegation of the center-right, which represents the majority of the country and governs 14 regions out of 20, expressed to the President of the Republic the common concern for the health, economic and social situation in which Italy finds itself, a situation that has been aggravated by an incapable and born government by a palace agreement. The crisis, caused by quarrels, vanity and the personal interests of those in government, requires a quick and effective solution “.

Even in the case of the dissolution of the Chambers, “the center-right confirmed to the President of the Republic full willingness to collaborate for all the measures necessary to safeguard the interests of the Italians – as has been done up to now and often decisively – starting from an effective use of recovery funds, from the vaccine plan to refreshments and reimbursements for families and businesses “.

“All the members – said Salvini – have reserved, in the event of elections not being held, to evaluate with the utmost respect every decision that is constitutionally up to the Head of State following the outcome of the ongoing consultations”.

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